siemens: K32GWB;
? siemens: K32GWB;
My on/off volume control is broken. Can I use a standard on/off volume control with this radio? The schematic does not give a value.
Thank you,
Meine on/off volume control ist gebrochen. Kann ich mit einer Standard on/off volume control mit diesem Radio? Der Schaltplan nicht geben einen Wert ein.
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The value is 1,5 MegOhm, at least this is what my Ohmmeter reads. Please notice the unusual mounting by using a clamp ring.
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Thank you
I saw the clamp. I'm not sure how to get it off but that's next. Finding something to replace it with is going to be the difficult part. I've never seen this control before.
Thank you for the help.
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Hello Donald, those volume control combined by an integrated or separately mounted ON OFF switch where very common. Not common is the way it is mounted.
Keeping it close to the origin, take care to find one with a push - pull shaft. (In these days when batteries where used, the closing front door shut off battery power automatecally) Your "Poti" has a through going shaft with a small disk wich operates the switch. You even could use one with integrated switch ore one operating with a turn-around-shaft. Much more important is, to find a log Poti, not a linear working one.
I am going to send you some pictures of what I have in my grab box.
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Thank you again
I really appreciate your help. This radio is in such good shape I am excited to restore it. I am going to restuff the capacitors so they look original. This is what this group is all about.
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