simpson: 464D; Digital Multimeter

ID: 308584
? simpson: 464D; Digital Multimeter 
15.Jan.13 20:09

John Sykes (GB)
Articles: 13
Count of Thanks: 5
John Sykes



I recently attempted to add an "as new"  price to this meter, having found a Simpson price list dated 1985. The model pre-dates 1985, but the current layout of the data page only allows a price to be entered against the heading "Price in first year of Sale". I think this is unnecessarily narrow, as many selling prices will be for purchases or evidence which is not from this "first year" . Perhaps you could re-title the data-field "Price when being sold new"




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Price when new 
16.Jan.13 19:47
52 from 2067

Martin Bösch (CH)
Articles: 636
Count of Thanks: 5
Martin Bösch

Hallo John,
in fact, there is only one field for a price in our database structure. Sometimes, we only now about one price, so this can be entered in this field.
In case, in another catalogue, an earlier price turns up, the existing price can be replaced by the earlier one, until we arrive at the introduction price.

This price field gives you only an idea about the price, when the item was sold new, to compare it with a month's salary, e.g.

We know, that there might have been several prices of the same set in different stores, and even: there are prices in US$ (usually ham receivers have been much cheaper when sold in the USA then in Germany), in GB$, in Swiss Francs and German Mark, and so on.

Usually, a price in US$ might give a good idea, or the price in the country of origin (as long as the currency is not too exotic).

But in the end, you can make a proposal for the price which can be compared to a worker's salary in that period best - you can decide which price would fit best in the single field that we have in our database structure.

It won't be possible to have all price information from several countries, from the introduction price down to the prices with much discount as past year's model in several currencies and department stores vs. specialised shops ...
If you think, it might be really important, you could write a forum article on the topic (e.g. about the price of German Volksempfänger, because price was a political matter), or add several prices in the remarks field.

Kind regards Martin

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Price when new 
16.Jan.13 22:40
64 from 2067

John Sykes (GB)
Articles: 13
Count of Thanks: 5
John Sykes


I absolutely agree that there is an issue with the determining a single price, especially for equipment which may have been offered for sale in many countries. But that's not the point I'm trying to make: given the rather fluid nature of the price (by region, time-line etc), wouldn't it be more flexible to have the field labelled "Price when new" or similar, and then ask the person posting to add a qualifier as to where and when the price was valid?  I was very reluctant to add any data here, as I knew it was not the price in the first year: others might be similarly put off.



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