SONY, the history of the SONY logos

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SONY, the history of the SONY logos 
21.Dec.09 18:39

Arbnor Kadrija (CH)
Count of Thanks: 50

History of the SONY logos

I received this information from our member Salvador Galán-Ocaña, Spain via Ernst Erb to do the direct upload (was formerly a PDF).   

7 may 1946 Ibuka and Morita founded the Tokio Tsushin Kogyo Corporation Limeted with a capital of almost 190,000 ¥ known as TOTSUKO. In 1955 TOTSUKO register the trademark SONY, cutting-edge company in electronic products transistorized launching the first self-production transistor radio in 1955, it was the beginning of one of world’s biggest electronics companies. 


Primer rotulo (1950)

The name SONY is a mixture of the Latin word sonus, meaning sound, and the words sunny and sonny. Ibuka and Morita’s interest on the concept of corporate identity was the reason of the SONY logo creation.

1st SONY logo (1955)

 The first logo is used until 1957 in models TR-33, TR-55, TR-52, TR-63, TR-6 and TR-72. In this logo dominates the colour red of letters and box on a white background. There are some changes as in the mythical TR 63, first pocket- receiver, where letters are gold on a black background. In these receivers the company that appears is the Tokio Tsushin Kogyo Limited.


   TR-55                                 TR- 63                                       TR-63

 It’s common to find this logo in some inside electronic components of these firsts Sony models.

Condensador cerámico. SONY. TR-88

In 1957 the Tokio Tsushin Kogyo Limited, after the success achieved by SONY, changes it’s name to SONY CORPORATION.

In 1958 the Tokio Tsushin Kogyo Limited, after the success achieved by SONY, changes it’s name to SONY CORPORATION.

In models TR 61, TR 62 and TR74 (1957) appear the first logo and the second one, really similar to the one that we know nowadays but with letters in red. In models TR 66 (may 1957) appear just the second logo. Now, the company is SONY CORP.


2nd logo. Some models in 1957 and 1958.

SONY CORP appears.

In 1959 is established the third logo, it looks like the second one but the letters use to be in silver or in black on a metallic background. There are some exceptions in year 1958: golden letters in the TR609 and TMF 151, silver letters on white background (TR84) and white letters on metallic background in the TR 65 and TR 86, also in 1958.


 1958. mod. TR-610                          1962. mod. TR-815B

Since 1959 the black and silver combination is commonly used trying to “communicate strength and simplicity” according to Yasuo Kuroki and the letters style changes in a almost insignificant way in 1961,1962, 1969 and 1973.

In SONY logo’s history there are many exceptions as the logo printed on receiver’s background colour, but Yasuo Kuroki master lines set in 1960 have been kept. 


     1965. mod. 7R-52                           1977. mod. ICF 5450B

In 1981 to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the company it’s proposed a change of the logo but after studying this proposal it’s decided to keep it.

In 1982 to improve corporate identity a publicity campaign began, “it’s a sony” created by Morita, the company added a sticker to the receivers with campaign’s logo. 

There have been many specific logos of SONY products: Triniton, Betamas, Wallkman, Vaio, psp, etc. but SONY logo has been consolidated been studied as the most influential Corporate Image together with Coca-Cola and Mercedes-Benz ones.


- Catalog Sony GENDIS, Canadá. 1958.
- Catalog Sony radios. USA. 1960.
- Catalog Sony Japón. 1965.
- Catálogo Sony España. 1971.
- Electronische meesterwerken van Sony. 1972.
- Catálogo Sony España. 1973.
- The world´s radio. BOTH, C.J. 1983.
- Catálogo Sony España.1988.
- Catálogo Sony España. 1989.
- Catálogo Sony España. 1990.
- Akio Morita y Sony. MARSHALL, David. .1995
- Alles über die Sony-Weltempfänger. LICHTE,Rainer. 1998.
- The Magic of Sony. TEDESCHI. Enrico. 1999.
- Sony transistor radio. WROBBEL, Eric. 2004.
- 50th Anniv. of the Invention of the Transistor Radio, 2005.
- Sony History. Sony . 2009.

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