
ID: 254892
This article refers to the manufacturer: To the manufacturer

25.May.11 12:12

Pius Steiner (CH)
Articles: 384
Count of Thanks: 9

Sony/Tektronix, a jointly-owned Japanese subsidiary located in Tokyo, Japan, was formed in November of 1964. The rapid growth of the Japanese electronics industry in the early 60's resulted in licensing discussions with several Japanese firms. The result of diese discussions led to the formation of a 50-50 joint venture with SONY. Both SONY and Tektronix have cross-licensing arrangements with Sony/Tektronix.
Sony/Tektronix has responsibility for marketing of Tektronix and SONY/TEKTRONIX products in Japan and Parts of Asia. The marketing of SONY/TEKTRONIX products in the U.S. and remainder of the world is handled by Tektronix, its marketing subsidiaries, and distributors.

Sony/Tektronix is currently manufacturing several types of Tektronix instruments. These instruments maintain the same high Tektronix quality that is built into Tektronix domestic instruments, but are built exclusively for the Japanese market.
Sony/Tektronix was created with an engineering capability to develop new instruments. This use of the two companies' engineering talent will allow products to be developed that Tektronix or SONY would not develop alone. The Type 323 is the first instrument to be developed by Sony/Tektronix.

Source: Tektronix ServiceScope No 51 Aug 1968

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Tektronix produced films 
26.May.11 12:00
96 from 19465

Pius Steiner (CH)
Articles: 384
Count of Thanks: 12


Ten films produced by Tektronix, Inc. have been certified as education films by the U.S. Information Service. These films are available on free loan as an aid to companies engaged in educational or train­ing programs for their employees; or, if preferred, the films may be purchased. Interested persons should contact their local Tektronix Field Office, Field Engi­neer, Field Representative or Distributor.

Listed below are the film titles, along with a brief review of the film:

The Oscilloscope Draws a Graph

A 20-minute color film in sound. The film explains that the oscilloscope display is usually in the form of a graph, and de­scribes how to read or interpret the dis­play.

The Cathode-Ray Tube, Window to Electronics

A 35-minute color film in sound with animated sequences. This film explains in simple terms how a cathode ray tube works. It depicts the heart of the oscilloscope, the cathode ray tube, as it is used in radar, sonar and many other elec­tronic systems, including computers. The film also shows the step-by-step manufac­turing process of cathode ray tubes at Tek­tronix, from the forming of metal "gun" parts to the final testing of completed tubes.

The Square Wave

A 25-minute black and white sound film. Discusses the theory of square waves, employed in Com­puters and many other electronic devices; usually, in the form of coded information. Animated drawings show how sine waves contained in square waves are harmonically related. The film demonstrates the basic use of the square wave generator and oscil­loscope and resulting information obtained from distortions. lt discusses risetime and its importance in testing modern high speed electronic equipment. Suitable for audi­ences with at least a basic knowledge of electrical theory.

Transmission Lines

A 23-minute black and white sound film. Discusses the fundamentals of transmission lines. Ani­mated drawings illustrate how electrical energy is transmitted along a line. An oscilloscope shows how reflections can oc­cur in a line. Characteristic impedance, the importance of proper terminations, line losses, time delay, and velocity factor are also discussed.

Time and Quantity

A 27-minute black and white film in sound. Discusses the measurement of time and quantity from billions of years to billionths of a second. Shows the importance of the oscilloscope as the basic means of making accurate measurements of very small segments of time.

The Oscilloscope, What It Is - What It Does

A nine-minute color sound film. Presents a non-technical explanation of the oscilloscope and its uses. Stresses the im­portance of the instrument as a measuring tool in electronic and other fields. Oscilloscopesmeasure physical data in relation to small amounts of time. They are used in research engineering, and education, and in production testing and maintenance of electronic computer and communication systems.

Thevenin's Theorem

A 12-minute black and white sound film. Presents a simplified approach to solving an electronic circuit which would otherwise involve com­plex mathematics.

Solving the Unbalanced Bridge

A 17-minute black and white sound film. Normally a solution to an unbalanced bridge problem requires considerable mathematics involving three simultaneous equations. This lecture film shows and explains how simply this can be accomplished using Thevenin's Theory and Ohm's law.

Triode Plate Characteristics

A 16-minute black and white sound film. Dis­cusses plate characteristics of a typical tri­ode (6DJ8) showing how the three basic tube characteristics, amplification factor, plate resistance, and transconductance, may be determined from a set of plate curves. It also plots a load line and shows how to determine the gain of a simple amplifier from these curves. In addition a continu­ous display of the curves of a tube under actual operating conditions is shown on the Type 570 Characteristic Curve Tracer, a special-purpose Tektronix oscilloscope.


Ceramics and Electronics

A 22- minute color film with sound. Shows the importance of ceramic elements in the electronic industries and stresses the appli­cation of ceramic insulating strips and other ceramic parts in oscilloscopes. It also shows the complete manufacturing process, in­cluding mixing of clays, firing, and glaz­ing, at Tektronix.

Source: SERVICE SCOPE Feb 1966


We have experienced a tremendous re­sponse to our announcement in the February, 1966, issue of SERVICE SCOPE on the availability of Tektronix-produced films. The requests by our readers for the use of these films have exceeded our wildest expec­tations and sorely taxed our ability to promptly supply the films.

We are filling all requests on a first-come, first-served basis and earnestly solicit your patience and understanding if we fail to sup­ply the wanted film promptly. All requests from qualified sources will be honored; hut, there may be a delay of several weeks in supplying some of the more popular films.

A new Tektronix-produced film is now available to schools or to companies engaged in educational or training programs for their employees. This film like the previously announced ones may be obtained on a free loan basis, or may he purchased. Title of the new filmis


It is a lecture-type film that offers an explanation of the transresistance method of analyzing transistorized circuitry. (An article in the December, 1964, issue of SERVICE SCOPE, "Simplifying Transistor Linear ­Amplifier Analysis" discussed transresis­tance as an aid in troubleshooting or evalu­ating transistor circuits.) Audiences for this film should have a sound basic know­ledge of transistor theory and terminology.

People interested in showing these films should contact their local Tektronix Field Office, Field Engineer, Field Representative, or Distributor.

Source: SERVICE SCOPE Jun 1966

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