Exemplary Forum Texts in English

ID: 114315
Exemplary Forum Texts in English 
08.Jun.06 22:06

Ernst Erb (CH)
Articles: 5743
Count of Thanks: 280
Ernst Erb

Since Radiomuseum.org was started in Switzerland, the majority of the existing articles are in German. But one can also find many excellent articles in English. And of course you can select your preferred language(s) in your profile so that only articles in those languages are visible to you.

Creating more English content is up to you, our English-speaking members.  I’m happy to provide a venue for such articles – but it is up to you to write more articles!

First, some helpful links:

Suppliers for Vintage Electronics, Radio Parts, Tubes, etc.

Museum Finder - List of Technical Museums - Guide

Repairmen, Repairshops, Radio Repair - and Radiomuseum.org

HOW TO Prepare and Upload Pictures - and Why This Way (anchor)


RMorg Forum Rules

RMorg offers you a very different forum than you may be used to.
The only aim is to give solid answers to questions and to provide informative facts that will still be of interest years from now. Our forum is intended to be a data base, not a chat forum. There are many other forums where you can chat.

Our forum should be entirely factual and friendly.
We do not like guesswork or stating opinions instead of facts (which others might know better than you). Don't use ironic or sarcastic remarks - they can be misunderstood. Quarrelling or deleting/changing text after it is referred to by others can be a reason for termination of rights to the forum.

We do not discuss politics, religion or the rules of RMorg or this forum, nor other sites!
If you have suggestions or concerns, please write to an officer. You can find the list of officers by clicking "Administrators" on the home page (search page) and then "Staff" in the upper right. RMorg is not simply a club – we have a well defined organization with established procedures.

Examples of Good Forum Articles in English

Here I will try to show some examples of your work which your peers think are outstanding. If you send me nominations for additional articles to include here, I’ll be happy to expand the list and add more categories.

I think we should have more repair stories - either as general articles - or posted from the model page as model specific articles. The best articles have integrated pictures.
If you want to see more articles from one of the authors shown here, click on the “Articles of this author” link at the bottom of any article.

General technical information
Detailed Circuitry Analysis on Grundig 5040W/3D with motor tuning - an interactive co-operation by multiple authors.
Padder in a Superheterodyne
(Hans M. Knoll, Germany).
Tuned power supplies in the 1930s (Roberto Guidorzi)

RF transformer analysis (Joe Sousa, USA)
The development of the loudspeaker (Dietmar Rudolph, Germany, Translation Joe Sousa, USA)
Cathode Follower RF stage - Oriole 8, 1925 (Joe Sousa, USA)
Comments on Circuits of the first Transistor Radios (Wolfgnag Gebert, Germany)
Some Measurement Principles on Tube Testers (Kurt Schmid, Germany)
Grundig Stereo Multiplex (MPX) decoders for the USA (Joe Sousa, USA + Hans Knoll, Germany)

Electrical/Mechanical Repair and Restoration (Internal)
Electrostatic Tweeter Restoration (Paul Pinyot, USA).
Replicating Old (Dogbone) Resistors. (Georg Richter, Austria for Sylvain Vanier, Canada).
How to Chck Paper and Electrolytic Capacitors (thread with multiple authors).
How to Repair IF-Transformers, a pictural example (Georg Richter, Austria for John Bartley, Canada).
Lessons learned on repair of a Grundig 51GW Gloria (Joe Sousa, USA)
Replacing Old Capacitors (Emilio Ciardiello, Italy).
Philco 80B Detector Bias (Joe Sousa, USA).
Keep Caps in Kit! (Joe Sousa, USA).
Cabinet and Chassis Restoration of a Grundig Majestic (Georg Richter, Austria for Jeff S., USA).
Restoration of a Granco including analysis of the circuit (Joe Sousa, USA)
Analysis and restoration report, tube radio 1955 (Joe Sousa, USA)
Restoring the Coribante from 1931/32 (Roberto Guidorzi, Italia)
A Grundig Majestic Restoration (Rüdiger Walz, Germany)
Restoring a Siemens 37WLK (Roberto Guidorzi)
Circuit Operation on a 3 tube Periquito and repair, alignment (Joe Sousa, USA)
Operation of a Meck Fremodyne and repair (Joe Sousa, USA)

Repair and Restoration of Cabinet and External Components
Wooden Radio Cabinet Restoration (Marek Tomczak, Poland).
HOW TO Make Your Own Dial Scales. (Dennis Wesserling, USA).
HOW TO Replicate Wooden Engraved Buttons (Mario Coelho, Portugal).
Air-King 4608A - electrical, loudspeaker, grille pattern, scale (Joe Sousa, USA).
Nearly a hopeless case! (Michael Watterson, Ireland)
Woodworms, wood and cloth - Vicki 26 (Michael Watterson, Ireland)

Helpful Questions and Answers
This works well in English even if one or both parties are not native English speakers.  These should always be posted from the model page if related to a specific model.
Q&A about a Challenging Electrical Problem (Hans M. Knoll's response to Mario Coelho's question). Q&A about an Unusual Model (by the same pair of members).

Display and Preservation of Radios (Ernst Erb, Switzerland).
Good Photographs (Martin Renz, Germany).
Irfanview for Prepairing Photos (Konrad Birkner, Germany).
Irfanview for Schematics (F.-J. Haffner, Germany).
NEW: Formatting Pictures with Irfanview 4.33 (John Kusching, USA).
NEW: Uploading a Picture to RadioMuseum (John Kusching, USA).

Interesting models
How about some more stories like these:
Zenith Trans-Oceanics (Konrad Birkner, Germany).
Radiola RS (Ernst Erb, Switzerland).
The HP 200 Audio Oscillators Series (Pius Steiner, Switzerland)

Tubes and Valves
Tube Substitution (European and US) - (Konstantin Chachin, Russia).
The Philips "Red Valves (3 parts) - (Jacob Roschy, Germany).

Projection Television Sets (Franz Born, Germany and Thomas Albrecht, USA).
Radio History of Shanghai, China (Taili ZHANG, China). A translation by Songping WAN, China.
Transistors - early research, first Applications (Ernst Erb, Switzerland, translation Vincent de Franco)
Early Transistor Days (Emilio Ciardiello, Italy).

Homebrew Solutions and Construction Projects

NiMH Battery Packs for High Voltage (Joe Sousa, USA).
A Simple One Valve Reg. Receiver (Bryce Ringwood, South Africa)

Without the help of Bryce Ringwood, South Africa and Thomas Albrecht, USA, this article would not be in proper English. Thank you.

New sample articles added

To thank the Author because you find the post helpful or well done.

Some 'HOW TO' for other activity in RMorg 
16.Aug.07 11:09

Ernst Erb (CH)
Articles: 5743
Count of Thanks: 264
Ernst Erb

There is a big variety of things you can do in RMorg - besides writing a new article. Some HOWTO-articles explain in the FAQ.

With the Forum-Editor (WYSIWYG-Editor) you can do a lot...

Most interesting is preparing and loading up pictures of radios etc. of the own collection. But also of foreign pictures if you care for the copyright.  Here you see how you can create good photos with rather simple techniques.

Having uploaded pictures from your own collection to models then you automatically get your collection page which normally is listed very high by Google - if you have entered alonger and interesting text to your collection page.

Here you see something about picture sizes. - if you are logged in as a member.
Something about repairshops - for members only.

To scan, prepare and upload schematics is not a simple matter - but we recommend a free tool here..

How to find tubes and how to accomodate tubes on RMorg. And what is a tube variant here?

To thank the Author because you find the post helpful or well done.

If you find other good texts - please tell me.  
26.Jun.13 12:18
96903 from 291767

Ernst Erb (CH)
Articles: 5743
Count of Thanks: 245
Ernst Erb

Dear reader

If you find other threads which should go on this list above, please use the contact form or write me an eMail (as a member). Please tic "Enhancements" if you use the contact form and give the URL of the article (address line) in any case.

Please rate articles you find extraordinary, so they get visible stars (at least 7 necessary). Specially older articles could not be reated at the time when written! With stars they will be more visible also in the SEARCH.

As a guest you can also use the contact form and send us data or pictures of your sets. If so please give us as many details as possible - in any case the type number (or name) of the set.


To thank the Author because you find the post helpful or well done.

Thread locked Thread closed by a moderator. But replies can be made through a moderator.