SPUTNIK 1 Transmitter
? SPUTNIK 1 Transmitter
Does anyone know if the schematic diagrams for the Sputnik 1 transmitter ever were released to the public.
Sputnik 1 was launched in 1957.
The model name of the transmitter was D-200. The two radio transmitters operated at frequencies of 20.005 and 40.002.
A google search returned a lot of hits, but nothing leading to a schematic diagram.
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Dear Joe,
if you are able to read Russian, all available information about first Sputnik (including transmitter picture) was collected on forum site http://www.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=7469&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0&sid=e3e46af45af38ad297544115719eb6a9
There is an interesting answer from spaceship designer veteran (close to the end of forum): the schematic is top secret until today (what is very usual in SU or Russia) and nobody would like to search for it in the archives. At the end might you can buy it on Sotheby`s auction in the near future:-(((
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Subminiature tubes in Sputnik 1
Dear Gabriel,
Thanks for the link. I was able to read it with Google-Translate.
The information that I am I lookin for, is what kind of tubes were used in the D200 transmitter in Sputnik-1. A good interior photo closeup of the transmitter would answer the question.
I have been studying, measuring and designing with the uniquely Russian filamentary subminiature battery tubes such as 1J17B, 1J37B, 1J24P, etc. These tubes are approximatelly contemporary with Sputnik-1, so I wonder if they were used in it's transmitter.
These Russian subminiature battery tubes have the best HF performance I have ever seen for tubes in battery service. Their internal construction is based entirelly on rod elements that controll a pair of sheet beams.
One of the museum photos of the transmitter I came across on the web at
http://www.collectspace.com/news/news-100307a.html (scroll down to the bottom of the page)
shows two conventional subminiature tubes with all pins comming out at the bottom. The rod-element Russian tubes allways have the anode connection at the top.
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Sputnik TX schematic found!

Some time ago, DL3JIN, SM7UCZ and ON6WJ achieved QRP transmitters based on the russian subminiature rod-pentode tubes type 1SH24b and 1P24b with which they performed the contest.

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