stromberg: A22C; Lucan

ID: 386857
stromberg: A22C; Lucan 
26.Oct.15 09:26

Bruce Wilkie (AUS)
Articles: 6
Count of Thanks: 7

The Stromberg-Carlson Lucan Console radio came in 3 models.

The cabinet was the same, but model A22 Console had 3 valves(tubes) including the Rectifier.

Model A35 Console had 4 valves (tubes) including the Rectifier, and model A44 Console had 5 valves (tubes) including the Rectifier.

I will upload 2 radio advertisements relating to these models, and a photograph (Courtesy of Silicon Chip magazine).

I have the cabinet of the model A22 in my collection (it is fairly original, BUT has been restored). Unfortunatley as this model is quite rare these days, my chassis in the cabinet of the model A22, is a 4 valve (tube) one from the  early 1930's, and might not be a Stromberg-Carlson one. I cannot find a 4 valve schematic for this model.

I will upload photos of my cabinet and ID plate, the peep hole tuning dial and knobs appear original, BUT the chassis appears to be any 4 valve (tube) one from the early 1930's making it the model A35 ???

Regards to all,

Bruce Wilkie    (HRSA & Radio Museum)


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