telefunken: 250 aus Tschechoslowakei?

ID: 90544
Dieser Artikel betrifft das Modell: 250 (Telefunken; Wien)

telefunken: 250 aus Tschechoslowakei? 
28.Jan.06 22:44

Martin Steyer (D)
Beiträge: 681
Anzahl Danke: 11
Martin Steyer

Der Telefunken 250 ist vom Herkunftsland schwer einzustufen, das Chassis ist typisch für Telefunken-Deutschland, es gibt aber kein deutsches Modell mit dieser Röhrenbestückung.
Die Rückwand gibt auch keinen Aufschluß über das Herkunfts- bzw. Bestimmungsland.

Interessant ist ein kleiner Aufkleber mit der Aufschrift:

Kreslaspol   Philips Patent. Lic.

Kann da irgendjemand weiterhelfen?

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29.Jan.06 12:17

Gabriel Toth (CZ)
Beiträge: 127
Anzahl Danke: 11
Gabriel Toth

Dear Martin,

the answer is very complicated, please first read description of manufacturers Myslik-Hyrsovsky/Zenit/Radiotechna.
On the beginning of existing fa Radiotechna they produced directly Telefunken models, for example T12, T33, T50, T250, T270, T280, T300, T370, T420, T500, T600, T620. Later we could find on their own models a logo "Telefunken systems".
About company Kresl & spol. (short partially translation from Radiojournal (CZ) 56/2005 - club journal of CS Historical Radioclub, sorry for grammatical mistakes):
Activity of company Telefunken represented between world wars in CS company Kresl & spol. On principle, the owner of this company was Telefunken though very strong restriction for foreign capital.
Ing. Bedrich Kresl gave his name to the company, but he never had been an owner of this company, only a founder and general director. A formal limited partner was Moravian Agrarian and Industrial Bank. The company was registered 31.10.1922 and it very soon got a dominant position on the market. Their headquarter was in Prague, first in Jungman avenue 27, later Palacky avenue 28 and at the end Hradební street 3, where was later the headquarter of company Radiotechna.
About the patent labels:
Licence label with registration number we could find on the shasi or box of all legal produced CS models before WW2. The reason was, that the company (and its German owner Telefunken) was exclusive owner in CS of all important patent rights of electrotechnic circuits necessary for radio receiver production, practically without possibility to evade it. After some cheats with riveted labels the company began to use some special sliding label, produced in Nurnberg. Labels were different for imported models and produced in CS, every label could be used only once.
On the company letter heading from 1934 we could read: Kresl & spol., radiotechnic special partnership, Production and selling of Telefunken radiotechnic devices, Owners of all licence rights of companies Telefunken, Radio Corporation of America, General Electric Comp.
Permission to use circuit under patent licence rights was claused by paying very expensive licence costs and this situation was very hard for small companies. It was a reason, that after 1930 many small companies were closed.
The company had many pursuits with producers and contributors, for example Radioslavia (with some French influence), later Philips. This is a reason, that in the beginning Philips models did not have licence labels.
From this point of view is interesting, that Mr. Kresl's son, Ivan Kresl was an owner of lawyer company, which reperesented during some period in sphere of licence fees company Philips too.
The activities of this company were not limited only by reselling and production of radios. It was very active in area radio communication technic and telephony.

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Telefunken T250 from CS 
29.Jan.06 22:41

Martin Steyer (D)
Beiträge: 681
Anzahl Danke: 6
Martin Steyer

Hello Gabriel,

thank you for your interesting informations, I had the suspicion that the radio comes from CS and not from Austria. I have looked now for the models of Radiotechna, indeed they are modified Telefunken radios.

But now we have the problem where the model should be listed: Telefunken CS (never existed in this way) or Radiotechna CS (nobody would search there!).

Very interesting is the fact that the german Telefunkens from 1931/32 (and later!) had only a REN904-triode and not a RENS1204-tetrode as the audion, what was a better choice for selectivity and sensitivity. I wondered why not the better tube in the german models!

Many greetings, Martin

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30.Jan.06 20:28

Gabriel Toth (CZ)
Beiträge: 127
Anzahl Danke: 7
Gabriel Toth

Dear Martin,

I do not see too big problem, in the CS manufacturer list you could find wrong, but usefull name "Telefunken Radiotechna, see Radiotechna". The search engine found Telefunken in CS without problems.

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Telefunken-Models in CS 
01.Feb.06 21:05

Ernst Erb (CH)
Beiträge: 5740
Anzahl Danke: 8
Ernst Erb

Dear Gabriel
Thank you for your interesting answer. I think we should put this thread to Radiotechna (the company) since it gives valuable information about this in general.

We then have to see if our Austrian friends find the same on their chassis - because now we have two model 250, one for Austria (wicht my questionmarks - hint for CS ...) and in CS. Maybe they were produced in both countries or exported to A - perhaps with slight differences which we then would have to show in the notes to the model.

Since we have a reference for Telefunken in CS which points to Radiotechna, companywise everything is OK - well, I made an entry for
Kresl & spol, CS - see Radiotechna (Telefunken CS)
but I don't know if spol has to be written the same way for Radiotechna because it means probably & Co. ... If yes, can you change?

And: Can you please bring in the missing Telefunken (if any are missing) - perhaps even by changing maker if already there for Austria?
Thank you for getting light into Radiotechna (Telefunken CS) which would perhaps be a better name than now

Radiotechna, spol. s r. o., Praha-Prelouc

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09.Feb.06 08:30

Wolfgang Bauer (A)
Beiträge: 2318
Anzahl Danke: 10
Wolfgang Bauer

Vladimír Fiala, der hier nicht antworten kann, bittet mich um Veröffentlichung dieses Textes

Liebe Kollegen, weil ich den Artikel Geschichte der Firma Kresl a spol ins tschechische Radiojournal Nr.56/2005 geschrieben habe, erstatte ich mir einige Bemerkungen:

Telefunken 250 wurde nur in Prelouc hergestellt. Über eine eventuelle Kooperation zwischen Produktion in Tschechien und Produktion in Österreich ist nichts bekannt. Jedenfalls Design der östereischen und tschechischen Radios ist ganz anders. Firma Kresl (Telefunken), die durch JUDr. Ivan Kresl vertreten wurde, streitete zunächst mit Firma Philips über Patentgebühren. Auf den späteren Lizenzschildern ist neben Firma Kresl a spol auch Firma Philips angegeben, denn Philips erwarb später auch Rechte auf Nutzung wichtiger Patente der amerikanischen Firmen (vor allem RCA). Lizenzgebühren wurden dann durch beide Firmen zusammen eingenommen und dann zwischen beide Firmen halbiert. Patentgebühren verwaltete Rechtsanwaltsfirma JUDr. Ivan Kresl, obwohl damit am Anfang Firma Philips nicht einverstanden war. Diesen Status dauerte einige Jahre.

Vladimír Fiala

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