telefunken: 3591K; Bajazzo Sport

ID: 63137
telefunken: 3591K; Bajazzo Sport 
26.Aug.05 23:34

Jeff Miller (USA)
Articles: 77
Count of Thanks: 4
Jeff Miller

I recently aquired a 1964 Telefunken Bajazzo Sport, similar to this one:

My question is, "what are the two push buttons on the far right for"? (reference attached photo)

One button shows an image of an automobile and the other has what
appears to be an envelope. Maybe the automobile swtich was for
using the radio in the car through a designated connector?

What is the "envelope" button for, an early form of email?
Please let me know!

- Jeff Attachments:

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27.Aug.05 02:49

Robert Sarbell † 22.3.22 (USA)
Articles: 363
Count of Thanks: 13
Robert Sarbell † 22.3.22


I feel confident that your Telefunken has the capability to be inserted into an "auto-mount bracket" very similar to my Nordmende Globetraveler. A number of the combination Koffeeradio-Auto radio units provided the switching controls to transfer to the 12Vdc (and the Nordmende will accept a + or - ground) the Auto symbo. . . . .

The "envelope" switch is not really an envelope. . . . .for the younger members, the symbol represents the "rabbit ears" that were so prevalent during the earliest days of TV when the standard antenna was a dipole that could be rotated and moved as needed to achieve maximum signal for enjoyment of TV.

There is an antenna connector on the mounting bracket - so that the portable radio will have an "outside antenna" (outside of the auto body sheet metal). Makes a huge difference in reception.

On the Nordmende mounting bracket, there is also a receptacle to allow the use of the electrically-operated antenna motor to extend and retract the antenna.

The German engineers did not overlook anything when the Ameriacn auto manufacturers began to install electric antenna motors - I had one in my 1953 Pontiac Catalina and one in my 1956 Packard.

The views below depict the various connectors and selectors for proper operation:

View 1 - Mount with power cable and in-line fuse holder; and the antenna lead-in extension (if needed) the the probe and master connectors on the mount mate up with the respective portion on the bottom of the Globetrotter (European) or Globetraveler (US version)
View 2 - Self-explanatory. . . . . . for the mount with Part number/Serial number
View 3 - Connectors for a. Auto speakers x2 b. Antenna motor power c. Gnd lead d. Power in
View 4 - small brown terminal board - Voltage Selector: 6V - 12V;
and selector for Antenna: Li - internal antenna; La - automobile antenna


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Bajazzo Sport buttons 
27.Aug.05 03:46

Jeff Miller (USA)
Articles: 77
Count of Thanks: 15
Jeff Miller

Thanks Robert. I remember rabbit ears on our family TV in the 1960s.

- Jeff

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27.Aug.05 13:47

Robert Sarbell † 22.3.22 (USA)
Articles: 363
Count of Thanks: 11
Robert Sarbell † 22.3.22

Good morning Jeff,

According to your "atombaum website" article discussing the fine points of your Bajazzo Sport koffee-radio (I believe that is the correct German description), I read in your bulleted features there is the button with the graphic symbol depicting the "Auto antenna input". . . . very good!


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automobile functionality 
27.Aug.05 13:58

Jeff Miller (USA)
Articles: 77
Count of Thanks: 4
Jeff Miller

Robert, Thanks for reading the details of my page. I just added a new bullet which reads, "Thanks to Robert Sarbell and the site for the information about the automobile push buttons and feature set." Seriously, many thanks. I am however, in doubt as to whether the radio I have (the Bajazzo Sport) was really supposed to be hard-mounted (screwed into place) in a bracket such as would be located under the dashboard because of its fine vinyl exterior. What do you think? Perhaps the creators of this radio thought that it should be set on the floor of the passenger foot-well or on the seat beside the driver. At this point, I believe the Bajazzo Sport was to be used (primarily) as a portable radio to carry about to picnics, sports events, out in the garage, that sort of thing. What do you think? Jeff

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27.Aug.05 18:20

Robert Sarbell † 22.3.22 (USA)
Articles: 363
Count of Thanks: 7
Robert Sarbell † 22.3.22


The koffeeradios were never meant to be "permanently installed". . . .the automount bracket was meant to be installed very neatly along the lower edge of the instrument panel. Keep in mind the fact that EVERY instrument panel in the early 60s was still being produced from stamped steel.

The radio could be inserted into the mount, and the locking levers would retain the radio without damage of any sort; and the radio could be removed equally as easy. It was all based upon an "early rack mounting" concept that had been used in commercial and military airplanes for years. Very well executed for the portable world band receivers.

The fine vinyl (or leather) would not be harmed in the least.

I will submit another photo to show you what the installed radio looks like in its mount. It would have been quite elegant in my 1949 Packard, but I sold it about 5 or 6 years before I bought the Globetrotters (Globetravelers - US).

PS: I believe that I may stand corrected regarding the "rabbit ears" analogy in reply number 2 above.

Views 5, 6, and 7 depict the stages to insert the Globetraveler into its mount. . . .
NOTE: View 5 depicts the "jacks" and receptacle on the base of the mount to align with the bottom of the radio. When the radio is inserted, the carrying handle of the radio rotates approximately 90degrees to "latch" it securely to the mount - this is necessary to maintain good security and firm electrical contact for all items.
If you observed in great detail, there are even very thick pieces of color-coordinated grey felt which actually make contact with the radio at ALL corners and high spots. Attachments:

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28.Aug.05 02:56

Jeff Miller (USA)
Articles: 77
Count of Thanks: 5
Jeff Miller

Robert, Thanks for the new photos. I understand what you are saying. The radio looks really nice, BTW.


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Automatic Frequency Control (AFC) 
28.Aug.05 14:51

Marc Gianella (CH)
Articles: 325
Count of Thanks: 4


The "envelope" switch is the automatic frequency control, common abbreviation is AFC.

It's used to stabilise the FM-oscillator according to a control tension out of the ratio discriminator. The oscillator frequency drift causes unsymmetric tuning of the discriminator. This results a tension that can be used to realign the oscillator to center tuning. It is switchable because the AFC suppresses weak stations close to strong ones.

The discriminator needs to be aligned symmetrically at the end of each realignment procedure, otherwise the AFC isn't working properly. You can check this by center-tuning with AFC engaged, after switching off the AFC the station must still be in the midst.

Respectfully, Marc


"Koffeeradio" seems to be the german "Kofferradio". The expression consists of the two german words Koffer which means (suit-)case and Radio, common a portable radio. I don't know if the expression is based on the first portable radio from pre-Zenith which was indeed built as a suitcase.

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AFC button 
30.Aug.05 17:35

Jeff Miller (USA)
Articles: 77
Count of Thanks: 14
Jeff Miller