telefunken: 5093W; Concertino Stereo - alignment help?

ID: 350165
? telefunken: 5093W; Concertino Stereo - alignment help? 
08.Jun.14 21:18

Joe Brown (USA)
Articles: 6
Count of Thanks: 7



I have an alignment question about this radio. When I received it, the i.f. rejector circuit coil, marked '10' on the alignment point diagram, was not properly connected. I have reconnected it properly, and I want to make sure that it is adjusted correctly, since it appears to have been replaced by a previous owner.


I have completely re-capped the radio. This is the only alignment I want to attempt, since the radio appears to be working correctly, and all of the other coils and capacitors referenced in the alignment documentation are still sealed with the original wax or sealing compound.


The documentation I refer to is attached to this model on the RM website.


In the alignment procedures for the IF rejector circuit, it is stated that the signal generator should be set to 460 khz, radio set at 800 khz, and the signal generator connected to the radio 'via 10000 pF to Ka 4'. I can find no point in the radio schematic or alignment documentation that is labeled 'Ka 4'.


One of the capacitors which can be adjusted is labelled as 'K', but it is also referenced in the alignment 'sequence' documentation as 'K'.


There are two multiposition switches, marked 'K1' and 'K2', one of which uses position 4 on the 'a' side, but it does not seem to make sense to connect to this position with the signal generator for alignment.


Also, where would I connect to measure minimum output for correct alignment? Across the speaker output or audio output transformer?


Any help would be greatly appreciated. As stated before, the radio appears to be working well so I am going to leave it adjusted as it is until I get an answer here.


Thank you, Joe

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Signalgenerator inject where?  
09.Jun.14 09:55
29 from 2272

Hans M. Knoll (D)
Articles: 2117
Count of Thanks: 7
Hans M. Knoll

Hello Joe.

The IF rejection (CirA) is planned, in order to suppress troubles that from the antenna (M1) into the device come.
The manual says: inject the Signalgenerator on Ka4, correct is u4  (from mee = M2) .

You can  therefore at M1 or to enter M2 ( inject the 460kc Signal via 10000pF)

see attachment.



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Telefunken Concertino 5093W alignment 
09.Jun.14 11:05
46 from 2272

Joe Brown (USA)
Articles: 6
Count of Thanks: 4

Hello Hans, Thank you so much for your help. Did you get this information from the documentation attached to this model or do you have something else? Thanks again, Joe

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from where ? 
09.Jun.14 11:40
53 from 2272

Hans M. Knoll (D)
Articles: 2117
Count of Thanks: 7
Hans M. Knoll

Hello Joe.
You write this:
this is orign, from the manual  "Aligment Chart AM" last position.

An the alignment procedures for the IF rejector circuit, it is stated that the signal generator should be set to 460 khz, radio set at 800 khz, and the signal generator connected to the radio 'via 10000 pF to Ka 4'. I can find no point in the radio schematic or alignment documentation that is labeled 'Ka 4'.

Right is "u4" not Ka4 see Circuit


special: i whos  former, Devolop. RF-Engineer (GRUNDIG) 

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From where? 
09.Jun.14 16:45
87 from 2272

Joe Brown (USA)
Articles: 6
Count of Thanks: 9

Hello Hans, Thank you again for your excellent help. Joe Brown

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