The History of Television in Romania

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? The History of Television in Romania 
29.Mar.09 12:10

Wolfgang Scheida (A)
Articles: 598
Count of Thanks: 27

Short History of Television in Romania

Special thanks to member Mrs. Lenuta Chirita from the Musee de la Science et de la Technique Bucharest.
In Romania, the first pieces of information on television were published in two specialized magazines, Radio Român and Radiofonia, already in 1925.
By then, television had not yet had an official name.
Baird refers to it as televisor – and the Romanian versiosn oscillate between radio-viziune, radioteleviziune and televiziune.
In 1925 the Accoustics and Optics Laboratory within the University of Bucharest carried out the experiment which consisted in the transmission at small distances of some drawings.
            George D. Cristescu,physicist, published the first work on television in Romania “On Television” (original title “Problema televiziunii”), Bucharest, 1928, where he proposed a new system of mechanical exploration[1]. In 1928 he also carried out the first attempts within Romania of tele-transmission of images.
            In  November 1937, the Romanian Athenaeum of Bucharest presented within a demonstrative conference the first Romanian achievement in the field of television: an image – broadcaster made within the laboratory of the Faculty of Sciences in Bucharest. The presentation raised the interest of more than 2000 persons and consequently the experiment had to be repeated[2].
            The first experimental television station ever built in Romania was prepared by a team coordinated by prof. Alexandru Spãtaru of the Central Laboratory of Telecommunication Research in Bucharest.
On 23 August 1955, the experimental station started regularly broadcasting for the few tens of TV sets existing by then in Bucharest.
By the end of the same year, the Television Centre of Bucharest started its activity and it was equipped with Russian devices.
            In 1964 there took place the first demonstrations of colour television using the SECAM system, but it was only in 1972 that the broadcast station of the Television Studio became operational.
It was in 1964, within the Electronica enterprise, that the specialists of the factory created and produced the first TV: E43-110, which was then followed in 1966 by the TV sets Dacia, Miraj with Romanian electronic tubes.
In 1970 there took place the inauguration of the Black-and-white Kinescopes Enterprise with German and American licenses.
Between 1971-1978 hybrid TV sets were created (with transistors and electronic tubes) H1 and H2 and starting from 1977 black-and-white TV sets with integrated circuits were produced.
In 1984, there were built the first portable TV sets with reduced consumption of energy.[3]
In 1983 the first Romanian colour TV set was produced, its name being Telecolor 3006.

After 1989 the Romanian electronic industry could not cope with the concurrency and from producer it turned into a costumer.

Electronica still produces (12/2006) electronic equipments and assembles TV sets produced by famous brands on the market.  


[1] Mihai Drãgãnescu,the presentation“Din istoria telecomunicatiilor in Romania : Telecomunicatiile in Romania. Pagini de Istorie”, works of the conference “Istoria Telecomunicatiilor in Romania”,organized in the Aula of the Romanian Academy on 15 April 2003

[2] Andrei Ciontu, erban Naicu, Laurenþiu Moisin, Vasile Ciobãniþa, Pagini din istoria electronicii ºi radiocomnicaþiilor, Editura Naþional, 1998
[3] Idem

12/2006 & 3/2009

Feel free to add your own experiences with the Romanian Television between 1955 and 1989/1990 during the Communists era!

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16.Apr.09 10:41

Konrad Birkner † 12.08.2014 (D)
Articles: 2317
Count of Thanks: 28
Konrad Birkner † 12.08.2014

Interesting article. Research, but not a question.


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