Underwriter''''s Laboratories

ID: 581996
Underwriter''''''''s Laboratories 
29.Jul.22 23:51

Glen Orriss (AUS)
Count of Thanks: 2

Underwriters Laboratories Inc. was founded in 1894 by William Henry Merrill. Early in his career as an electrical engineer in Boston, a 25-year-old Merrill was sent by underwriters issuing fire insurance to assess risk, and investigate the World Fair's Palace of Electricity. In order to determine and mitigate risk, Merrill found it necessary to conduct tests on building materials. Upon seeing a growing potential in his field, Merrill stayed in Chicago to found Underwriters Laboratories.

The first documented use of a UL label on an individual product was in 1906.

Merrill soon went to work developing standards, launching tests, designing equipment and uncovering hazards. Aside from his work at UL, Merrill served as the National Fire Protection Association's secretary-treasurer (1903–1909) and president (1910–1912) and was an active member of the Chicago Board and Union Committee. In 1916, Merrill became UL's first president.

In 1905, UL established a Label Service for certain product categories that require more frequent inspections. In 1906, UL the UL Mark was used to indicate products that had passed their testing. UL inspectors conducted the first factory inspections on labeled products at manufacturers' facilities. A history of UL marks has been discussed by Toft. From 1905 to 1979 UL Headquarters was located at 207-231 East Ohio Street in Chicago. In 1979, the organization moved its headquarters to a 153-acre campus in Northbrook, Illinois, 25 miles north of its former downtown Chicago location.

Underwriters' Laboratories, 207-231 East Ohio Street, Chicago

UL has expanded into an organization with 64 laboratories, testing, and certification facilities serving customers in 104 countries. It has evolved from its roots in electrical and fire safety to address broader safety issues, such as hazardous substances, water quality, food safety, performance testing, safety and compliance education, and environmental sustainability.

On January 1, 2012, Underwriters Laboratories transformed from a non-profit organization to a for-profit company in the U.S. A new subsidiary named simply UL LLC, a limited liability corporation, took over Underwriters Laboratories’ product testing and certification business.

In 2022, the company revised their go-to-market strategy to include three separate organizations - UL Solutions, UL Standards & Engagement, and UL Research Institutes.

I have also attached a couple of my reconstructed Reexamination Service Labels for download.  These labels were used on many U.S.A. Radios over the years.

Source of information Wikipedia.


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