unknown: N313 {Н313}; Oszillograf

ID: 269313
? unknown: N313 {Н313}; Oszillograf 
06.Nov.11 19:20

Gabor Dvorzsak (H)
Articles: 4
Count of Thanks: 7

Hi everybody!

I have 2 pcs of this scope, one from 1980, one from 1979, and both of them contains a 5LO2I CRT, not 5LO38 which is shown on this page. 5LO38 has a completely different, octal-like bakelite base, while 5LO2I is a full-glass tube. The tube socket shown in this pictures is looks like exactly the ones in my two N313s, so nearly sure there is 5LO2I in this set too. I have the original service manual in pdf, and in the parts list there is also 5LO2I. (see the third line from the bottom)

So I suggest to change the tube type on the page to 5LO2I. Or there is anyone who have N313 scope with 5LO38 CRT? It's not impossible that it's manufactured with both tube types.

Best regards,

Gabor Dvorzsak


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06.Nov.11 21:39
24 from 2909

Gabriel Toth (CZ)
Articles: 128
Count of Thanks: 8
Gabriel Toth

Dear Gabor,

if you have a look to the origin manual, you will find tube 5lo2i, but if you search for another description in SU journal Radio N.4 1978, you will find already tube 5lo38i.

My opinion is that during production there was a change in used tube., nothing unusual.




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Re: N313 
07.Nov.11 19:54
81 from 2909

Gabor Dvorzsak (H)
Articles: 4
Count of Thanks: 5

Dear Gabriel,

Thank you for the information. Yes, probably the unit was made with both tube types during production. I think production started in 1976, and ended in the mid '80s, and most of the pieces are sold after 1979 - at least in Hungary. I have seen some of this oscilloscopes, but none of them made before 1979, and four of them surely equipped with 5LO2I.

So, if it is possible, I suggest both CRT types to be shown on the type's page.

Best Regards,


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