Unknown tube

ID: 524241
? Unknown tube 
08.May.19 20:32

Sándor Selyem-Tóth (H)
Articles: 252
Count of Thanks: 9

Unknown tube, "0" informatio.


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Unknown tube 
08.May.19 23:46
45 from 1771

Giovanni Cucuzzella (D)
Articles: 530
Count of Thanks: 9

Hello Sandor,

I'm pretty sure it's a relay with 10 (?) Changeover contacts. In addition to the solenoids and the changeover contacts, a spring which retracts the armature is visible in the upper part.

Best regards


To thank the Author because you find the post helpful or well done.

Unknown tube 
09.May.19 08:31
68 from 1771

Sándor Selyem-Tóth (H)
Articles: 252
Count of Thanks: 9