Variants for Capehart Series 400B, chassis changes

ID: 297162
Variants for Capehart Series 400B, chassis changes 
09.Sep.12 08:34

Ernst Erb (CH)
Articles: 5747
Count of Thanks: 8
Ernst Erb

The Capehart models with suffix "B" for season 1933/34 were having the third different chassis for receiver and amplifier. They were the second generation with dual speed record changers, which were dropped after season C due to no success of that time 33 rpm records by RCA.
See a general text on Capehart Radio-Phonographs for the 1930s and 1940s here.

Tuner chassis 400B series

Rider's shows us 3 different tuner chassis for the "B" models.
These are used in the following models:
400B Chippendale
, 402B Adam, 404B Chateau und perhaps also 300B Deauville.

Broadcast only tuner chasssis
For this chassis, Rider's shows us two different versions:
Rider's page Capehart 4-2 shows an unnumbered schematic with a mixer 58, last tube 58 and quite some differences in mixer and IF stages when compared with Rider's Capehart 5-2 with a schematic number W-836 from March 15, 1934. The first schematic has even a connection more for the "B" voltage for the AVC tube and an IF of 180 kHz! It gives us quite some checkpoints with the voltages. It shows tree and four tuned circuits. The newer schematic W-836 shows 9 tuned circuits, two more, but IF is 465 kHz!

The "All-Wave" chassis W-839, April 10, 1934
But in Rider's page Capehart 5-3 there is even a second version of the new chassis - with nearly the same tubes, but an "All-Wave chassis" instead of broadcast only. IF = 465 kHz.

It has an oscillator 56 instead of a tube 58 and is for the following bands:
Broadcast 540 to 1500 kHz
Long Wave 142 to 350 kHz
Short wave 1.4 to 3.7 MHz
Short wave 3.5 to 8.5 MHz
Short wave 8.4 to 20 MHz

Amplifier chassis
Rider's 4-3 and Rider's 5-4 with schematic number W-837 from March 16. 1934 differ not much. The main difference is the additional wire for "B" AVC, difference cathode first tube and some parts quality (voltage).

We don't know how the different versions were named - but surely the All-Wave models must show a different name - at least in ads. Hopefully we get some more information on that.
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