VT51 (VT51)

ID: 286435
This article refers to the component: To the tube/semiconductor

VT51 (VT51) 
30.Apr.12 16:28

Patrick Marinus (B)
Articles: 8
Count of Thanks: 11

I stumbled across a data sheet from the General Electric, "Pilotron Tube" type PT-841.

At the top of the document it states clearly that is the US Army Signal Corps Tube Type VT51.

The document will be scanned and posted asap.

I am very happy with it, because i have 4 brand new VT51's.


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US military tube is the VT-51 
30.Apr.12 20:41
22 from 3122

Emilio Ciardiello (I)
Articles: 533
Count of Thanks: 10
Emilio Ciardiello

Dear Patrick,

probably you are referring to the US military tube VT-51, equivalent to the commercial 841. You started this thread from the British VT51, that is quite different. Anyway, you are welcome if you load the original datasheet, provided that you load it to the right tube.


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