What is accepted ? RM scope

ID: 109692
What is accepted ? RM scope 
16.Apr.06 11:11

Konrad Birkner † 12.08.2014 (D)
Articles: 2333
Count of Thanks: 10
Konrad Birkner † 12.08.2014

Consumer Electronics
- Crystal sets
- Tube radios
- Transistor / IC radios (restrictive, in limited numbers only)
- TV's using tube chassis. Exception: former GDR (East German) solid state sets are also accepted
- Phono equipment
- Tape recorder
- Amplifier
- Loudspeaker
- accessories, components, kits etc. 
- Wireless phones using tubes plus one successing model each (up to present time if in a pedigree)

Communications (HAM, commercial, military) 
- Transmitter
- Transceiver
- Accessories

Test Equipment 
- for shop and lab (also pre and post vacuum tube era)

Forerunners (historical / technological)
- Phonograph / Grammophone
- Telegraph equipment and accessories
- classic Telephones including wireless phones using tubes 
(only few models to demonstrate development history)

If using vacuum tubes others (e.g.computers) may be accepted but only as a single example for application of a certain tube to be documented. This is valid even for the exclusions below, under the proviso of a comprehensive description and documentation. Development history on the subject is highly desirable.

Only exceptionally acceptable
- anything not covered above, in particular:
- satellite technology
- IC-electronics
- TV's with tubeless chassis
- modern "throw away" electronics (not to be repaired)
- warfare / armament electronics
- Radar 
- Navigation equipment
- Avionics

Border-line cases
The model - admins will decide case by case. In particular for a special collection item (e.g. museum). Such exceptions must not be referred to justify similar exceptions.
final decision is with E.Erb.

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26.Mar.11 21:35
793 from 5860

Ernst Erb (CH)
Articles: 5747
Count of Thanks: 12
Ernst Erb

After 5 years, we have an other situation: Our age limit is not anymore the year 2000 but always "today's date". Time is moving. Some few are soon collectibles ...

But we still have the problem of not having enough model admins to do the work for the many ordinary mass production. Otherwise we would accept also ordinary new radios since we are a reference site. In the present situation we accept mainly exceptional models, then also if the model contains IC's only. These are for instance very small TV's or TV's with radio with solid state technique or novelty radios, retro-look radios, design radios (see special drop down field at "shape"), advertising radios. If you like to introduce such models, please tell the reason for this model or be prepared to send a picture when you get an answer from a model admin.

We accept electronic experimental kits also if they are for digital technique and without radio related experiments. Behind this is the hope that we can attract young persons for experiments in electronic. Each member who has practical knowledge with such kits is invited to bring them in and to describe some experiments.

We accept all kind of tubes, including radar tubes.

We accept Navigation equipment if it has an audible output of the station(s) received or is a transmitter - which for instance can be used by radio amateurs. See for instance a Beacon Receiver. But I also see no harm if we accept other navigation equipment like this one. In General: We don't want to attract persons who are having fun for war but on the other hand we want to show what types of radios there are and what type of equipment made with tubes. One important use of tubes was for proximity fuses, and we would also accept such (there are very few models) if made with tubes.

I'm prepared to discuss the allowance of those items or to open for more (we might have forgotten) if there are good objective reasons for correction - and would correct this text if I can agree on such. In general we deal with information, collecting, technique (teaching, experiments etc.), history, designs (technically or shape) etc. Some of the items may be black boxes which can not be repaired. Important is the possibility for finding the item (model name, brand or manufacturer, schematics, pictures if possible) and information. Complete models are better accepted than incomplete ones, where you at least have to offer to upload a picture after acceptance.

EE: March 30, 2011. I add some links to pages in German about this topic. It is more or less for me only - for not forgetting different views.

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