grigsby-g: Wrong cabinet in web page

ID: 533498
? grigsby-g: Wrong cabinet in web page 
06.Jan.20 21:55

Grant Bruner (CDN)
Articles: 3
Count of Thanks: 9

In the web Page majestic_91_ch_90_b90, The Cabinet posted by Aleksander Kowal, does not apear to be the corect one. The chasis is correct though. Please let me know your thoughts on this.

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grigsby-g: Wrong cabinet in web page 
07.Jan.20 17:47
48 from 1356

David Erali (USA)
Articles: 21
Count of Thanks: 7

Grant:  You are correct that there are two different models on this page (maybe 3).  If we assume that picture 451023 from Konrad Birkner, along with the print ad are correct, then all of the other models are different.  One confusing issue is that the model of Gary Streeter has a label photo that shows this is a model 91 (picture 226038).  The picture from Richard Adams (1010856) has 4 knobs, as opposed to three for the other models.  Note also that I think the bottom two knobs on the Kowal model are incorrect.

Now I will really confuse things.  I actually have a model that looks exactly like the models from Kowal and Streeter.  I had removed and sold the chassis around 30 years ago, but I still have the cabinet with the label on the bottom shelf.  It is a model 93.  RMorg has  two model 93 pages - one for Australia and one for USA using the same ad.  They look very different from my model 93.  It is possible that the model 93 based on the ad is incorrect. 

I also had another similar Majestic that looked identical from the front, but did not have the switches on the side of the cabinet.  I sold this years ago and only have a photo of the front.  So the model number is unknown.

At this point, I am unsure of what to do.  More research is required.

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grigsby-g: Wrong cabinet in web page 
07.Jan.20 19:33
62 from 1356

Martin Kent (AUS)
Articles: 35
Count of Thanks: 8


Thanks for mentioning the Australian Majestics. You have helped to uncover an error. These so called Australian Majestics were in fact U.S. exports & the Majestic Radio Co. of Sydney had nothing to do with them. (Majestic Radio Co. of Sydney was established in 1933!!).

Majestic radios were sold in Australia during 1929 & 1930. The importers were Firth Brothers (Precedent Radio). U.S radio exports ceased in Australia in 1930 due to restrictive trade tariffs.


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grigsby-g: Wrong cabinet in web page 
11.Jan.20 09:58
134 from 1356

Grant Bruner (CDN)
Articles: 3
Count of Thanks: 7

I think I may have cracked the code, in so far as the model numbers and chassis numbers involved. I have created an extensive library with the four chassis involved and the Australia one. After doing extensive searchs on the internet, I think have come up with most of the information involved. As there are many pictures in mutiple directories, is there a way, that I can send you a compressed file, with all the information involved. Some of it, is from the original pages, and much more is from the internet searches that I have completed.

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grigsby-g: Wrong cabinet in web page 
11.Jan.20 13:24
143 from 1356

David Erali (USA)
Articles: 21
Count of Thanks: 10


Please send your file(s) to me at and I will take a look at them.


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