Wrong Model Upload

ID: 564968
Wrong Model Upload 
10.Mar.22 03:45

James Hochstetler (USA)
Articles: 25
Count of Thanks: 4
James Hochstetler

I discovered that I uploaded photos of Model 3A5 into Model 5A5 and I don't know how to correct it. Again the photos that I uploaded as 5A5 are actually model 3A5. Hopefully someone can correct my mistake.

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Wrong Model Upload 
10.Mar.22 12:45
40 from 869

Heribert Jung (D)
Articles: 1012
Count of Thanks: 4

Hi James,

you forgot to tell us the Brand of 5A5 and 3A5. I find the models by using your profile. It is General Television and Radio Corp.; Chicago, IL.  short  “genera-tv“.

How can you identify the difference of both models?

The 5 Images have been blocked. Please upload the pictures with correct file name to correct model and include a photo showing the type.


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Wrong Model Upload 
10.Mar.22 14:36
54 from 869

James Hochstetler (USA)
Articles: 25
Count of Thanks: 3
James Hochstetler

Sorry I forgot the brand need to be more careful and yes it is General Television. The only difference visually that I can find between the two is the dial/tuner faceplate. The 3A5 only has the upper portion with kilocycles. The 5A5 has meters too below and hence a two sided pointer.

I will upload my photos again to the General Television Model 3A5 (1946) when I get a chance.

Jim Hochstetler

P.S. I also believe that one of the tubes is listed incorrectly. It shows a 12SG7 and I believe it should be a 12SK7. Please double check that I'm new at this.

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Wrong Model Upload 
28.Dec.24 18:45
727 from 869

I just spotted this post and it addresses a similar issue of mine. I just submitted some photos to be attached to the Colonial model AC radio. I believe I have made an error and these photos should go under the COLONIAL model 36-114. Should I submit the photos under the correct model or can the ones already submitted be sent to the proper model page?


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Wrong Model Upload 
28.Dec.24 20:14
746 from 869

Heribert Jung (D)
Articles: 1012

Hi Robert,
please, never upload the same picure again. We can move it between modelpages.
"Colonial model AC radio" is not a search argument. Please link the model pages or write the model-ID of source and target models. Model-ID is on top richt of the model site. This the the best way for image Admin to find the correct models.

Thank you,


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Wrong Model Upload 
28.Dec.24 23:06
760 from 869

My appologies. I just verified that this is in fact a Colonial Model 36AC. I uploaded the photos to ID = 35626 but I see that it is listed only as AC. This should be 36AC.

Thanks for your help.

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Wrong Model Upload 
29.Dec.24 00:24
763 from 869

Heribert Jung (D)
Articles: 1012

Hi Robert,
do I understand correct, the pictures are at correct Model? So no intervention by an image-Admin is necessary.

Do you know, that you can upload large images? They shuold be 1400 pixel width or more. The System reduces pictures.jpg itself to 1400 Pixel width and optimal file size by a max. of 2100 pixel high.

If you will change the model name, please use the correct way:
Please write an  proposal, starting at model page. It will be checked by our US-Admins, who know the models better than I.

Good night,

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Wrong Model Upload 
29.Dec.24 12:15
799 from 869

That is correct! No intervention is needed. Thank you

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