zenith: 8G005YT Repair
ID: 125553
Dieser Artikel betrifft das Modell: Trans-Oceanic (TransOceanic) 8G005YT Ch= 8C40 (Zenith Radio Corp.; Chicago, IL)
zenith: 8G005YT Repair
12.Nov.06 18:00
First of all: do not use the mains supply. You are going to risk tubes!
Be extremely careful.
Start with a regulated 9Volt DC Lab. Power supply with current limitation (50 mA) for the series filaments and follow by measurement tube by tube. The available schematic is good enough, since it only shows a different rectifier tube which You do not need now. The filaments are in the right order, and a current limitation will safeguard. If you would shortcut some of the tubes a battery might burn the other tubes. And the mains supply gives only the correct power if everything is to order.
Für diesen Post bedanken, weil hilfreich und/oder fachlich fundiert.