Plessey Semiconductors SL600 Series

Application Manual
English | Book about tubes/semiconductors
gb_plessey_sl600_appl_titl.jpg gb_plessey_sl600_appl_rear.jpg gb_plessey_preisliste_75_2_3.png
Author Editor
Bryant, James M.
Publisher ISBN
Plessey Semiconductors, Great Britain (UK)
Swindon / Wilts.
Date of issue / Date of first publication Periodicity
1975 (ca.) / 1972
2. Edition
Format Pages
DIN A5 Portrait 92
Print Type Type
b & w Book about tubes/semiconductors
Short Description

2nd Edition, issued by the German branch in München.

A complete scan of this Application Manual is available below (PDF 5.2 MB)

A price list (in German DM) that comes with the manual, is also shown (PDF 600 kB)

The company's history is shown here


Created by: Franz Harder (09.Jun.21) available by: Franz Harder

Some example tube pages for sets you can see there:

IC - Integrated Circuit SL610
IC - Integrated Circuit SL611
IC - Integrated Circuit SL612
IC - Integrated Circuit SL621
IC - Integrated Circuit SL623
IC - Integrated Circuit SL630
IC - Integrated Circuit SL640
IC - Integrated Circuit SL641


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