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USA: Radio Catalog for the radio manufacturer Admiral (brand) Continental Radio & Television Co.; Chicago, IL

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Model Year Category Tubes Pictures Forum Coll.Pr.

doublet id = 31285 9999 Radio 5 - 12SA7      
doublet ID= 233501 9999 Misc      
Doublet with ID= 156561 9999 Radio 5 - 1A7GT      
dublette 131512 [.] 9999 Radio 5 - 12SA7      
dublette 131513 [.] 9999 Radio 5 - 12SA7      
dublette 131575 [.] 9999 Radio 5 - 12SA7      
dublette 131575 [.] 9999 Radio 5 - 12SA7      
dublette 131577 [.] 9999 Radio 5 - 12SA7      
Dublette mit ID = 85174 9999 Radio 7      
Doublet to ID = 293422 9999/99 Television 20 - 6BC8 20S    
Dublette mit ID = 91945 9999/99 Radio 5 1S    
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