Hi-Fi-Halbautomat AG2205 |
1957–59 |
R-Player |
4 |
Video-Recorder LD1000 |
1969/70 |
R-Player |
1 |
AG1007 |
1957/58 |
R-Player |
2 |
$ |
AG1007 Automatic WT40 |
1959/60 |
R-Player |
5 |
$ |
AG1007 Automatik WC14 |
1959/60 |
R-Player |
$ |
AG1007 Automatik WC44 |
1959/60 |
R-Player |
2 |
$ |
AG1007D (WT40) |
1958/59 |
R-Player |
7 |
13S |
$ |
Auto-Einbau-Einheit EL3794B |
1967/68 |
Misc |
1 |
Auto-Einbau-Einheit EL3794G |
1968/69 |
Misc |
Auto-Halterungseinheit EL3794 |
1966/67 |
Misc |
3 |
4S |
Auto-Mignon MK60 |
1959–63 |
R-Player |
7 |
$ |
Bassreflexbox KD1008 |
1957–59 |
Speaker-P |
3 |
Bassreflexbox KD1011 |
1957–59 |
Speaker-P |
1 |
Bassreflexbox KD1012 |
1958/59 |
Speaker-P |
1 |
"Bratpfanne" 2003 |
1928/29 |
Speaker-P |
35 |
15S |
2F |
$ |
Capella |
1950–72 |
Radio |
$ |
Cassetten-Recorder N2510 HiFi |
1971–75 |
R-Player |
13 |
10S |
$ |
Doublet with ID=22444 |
9999/99 |
R-Player |
Doublet with ID=23675 |
9999/99 |
R-Player |
Dublette ID = 24617 |
9999/99 |
Misc |
Dublette mit ID = 22012 |
9999/99 |
R-Player |
Dublette mit ID = 22448 [Koffer] |
9999/99 |
R-Player |
Dublette mit ID = 22448 |
9999/99 |
R-Player |
EL6601 /00 /01 |
1952–59 |
Power-S |
1 |
7S |
F54 [mit Radio] |
1953/54 |
TV Radio |
Hi-Fi-Halbautomat AG2205 [Kristall-TA] |
1958/59 |
R-Player |
1 |
Hi-Fi-Plattenwechsler AG1102 |
1955–57 |
R-Player |
8 |
Höhenrundstrahler KD1007 |
1957–59 |
Speaker-P |
6 |
$ |
Höhenstrahler KD1014 |
1958/59 |
Speaker-P |
5 |
Höhenstrahler KD1015 |
1958/59 |
Speaker-P |
1 |
Lautsprecher |
1927–30 |
Speaker-P |
$ |
Lautsprecher 2042 |
1930–32 |
Speaker-P |
19 |
$ |
LD1002 |
1969/70 |
R-Player |
Mignon AG2100 (MT10) |
1956–59 |
R-Player |
11 |
9S |
2F |
$ |
Mignon AG2100 (MT20) |
1956–59 |
R-Player |
10 |
3F |
$ |
Mignon MT40 |
1961–63 |
R-Player |
3 |
$ |
Mignon-Chassis AG2013 (MC10) |
1958/59 |
R-Player |
2 |
$ |
NG1300 /75 WC60 |
1960–62 |
R-Player |
4 |
1F |
$ |
Philector 4180 |
1931–33 |
mod-past25 |
41 |
3S |
1F |
$ |
Philettina |
1948/49 |
Radio |
Phonokoffer AG2117 |
1955–57 |
R-Player |
27 |
$ |
Phono-Koffer I (1) NG1340 Ch= 1260 [Luxus] |
1957/58 |
R-Player |
3 |
$ |
Phonokoffer I (1) NG1340 /75 Ch= 1260 (NG1340D) |
1957/58 |
R-Player |
8 |
2S |
1F |
$ |
Phonokoffer I (1) SK20 (NG1341 /75g) |
1959–61 |
R-Player |
21 |
$ |
Phonokoffer I (1) SK31 |
1959/60 |
R-Player |
1 |
Phonokoffer I (1) SK45 NG1346 Ch= SC40 |
1959–62 |
R-Player |
9 |
2S |
$ |
Phonokoffer I/55 (1/55) 2117 |
1954/55 |
R-Player |
2 |
3S |
$ |
Phonokoffer II (2) AG2115 |
1953–55 |
R-Player |
10 |
3S |
$ |
Phonokoffer SK10 AG2356 Ch= AG2056 |
1961–63 |
R-Player |
4 |
4S |
$ |
Phonokoffer SK30 NG1345 /95a |
1958/59 |
R-Player |
11 |
4S |
1F |
$ |
Phonokoffer SK35 NG1345 |
1958/59 |
R-Player |
3 |
4S |
$ |
Plattenspielerchassis AG2004 /03 /04 /05 /06 /33 /44 /45 /46 /75 /76 /95 |
1954–57 |
R-Player |
8 |
13S |
1F |
$ |
Plattenspielerchassis AG2004 mit Spannungsumschalter |
1954–57 |
R-Player |
4 |
3S |
1F |
Plattenspieler-Chassis NG1260D |
1957/58 |
R-Player |
7 |
2S |
$ |
Plattenspieler-Chassis SC20 (NG1264/75d) |
1959–61 |
R-Player |
7 |
$ |
Plattenspielerchassis PC50 AG1016 |
1961–64 |
R-Player |
2 |
Plattenspieler-Chassis SC30 NG1270 /75a |
1958–60 |
R-Player |
14 |
4S |
$ |
Plattenspieler-Chassis SC40 NG1275 /95 a |
1959/60 |
R-Player |
5 |
2S |
Plattenspieler-Tischgerät AG2140 |
1955–58 |
R-Player |
11 |
3S |
$ |
Plattenwechslerbox AG1203 |
1955–58 |
R-Player |
4 |
$ |
Plattenwechslerbox 1111 |
1953/54 |
R-Player |
3 |
Plattenwechsler-Chassis AG 1003 |
1955–57 |
R-Player |
30 |
19S |
1F |
$ |
Plattenwechslerchassis 1003 |
1954/55 |
R-Player |
1 |
4S |
$ |
Plattenwechslerchassis 1011 |
1953–55 |
R-Player |
2 |
$ |
Plattenwechsler-Chassis WC 10 AG1007MS |
1958/59 |
R-Player |
1 |
Plattenwechsler-Chassis WC 40 AG1007DS |
1958/59 |
R-Player |
1 |
Plattenwechsler-Koffer AG1207 |
1957/58 |
R-Player |
1 |
$ |
Plattenwechsler-Koffer WK14 |
1959–61 |
R-Player |
Plattenwechsler-Koffer WK10 AG1207MS |
1958/59 |
R-Player |
1 |
Pro |
1968/69 |
R-Player |
PT50 |
1961–65 |
R-Player |
1 |
RA40 |
1947/48 |
Radio |
ST10 |
1961–67 |
R-Player |
2 |
Stereo-Mignon MT10 St. |
1959/60 |
R-Player |
1 |
Wechselrichter / Zerhacker 7860c/7861c |
1937 ? |
Power-S |
2 |
5S |
Wechselrichter / Zerhacker 7881 C |
1937 ? |
Power-S |
3 |
5S |
Wechselrichter / Zerhacker 7882 C |
1937 ? |
Power-S |
4 |
4S |
WT70 |
1961–63 |
R-Player |
1 |
2009 |
1930/31 |
Speaker-P |
2 |
$ |
2024 |
1930/31 |
Speaker-P |
8 |
1S |
$ |
2028 |
1931/32 |
Speaker-P |
11 |
$ |
2030 |
1930–32 |
Speaker-P |
10 |
1F |
2034 |
1930/31 |
Speaker-P |
2 |
2037 |
1931–33 |
Speaker-P |
9 |
$ |
2038 |
1931–33 |
Speaker-P |
13 |
2040 |
1931/32 |
Speaker-P |
12 |
$ |
2041 |
1931/32 |
Speaker-P |
8 |
2043 |
1931/32 |
Speaker-P |
5 |
2069 [Edyn] |
1929–31 |
Speaker-P |
6 |
2109 |
1930–32 |
Speaker-P |
27 |
$ |
2111 [Pdyn] |
1929–31 |
Speaker-P |
8 |
$ |
2113 |
1929/30 |
Speaker-P |
22 |
1S |
$ |
2119 |
1932/33 |
Speaker-P |
19 |
$ |
2121 |
1930/31 |
Speaker-P |
11 |
$ |
2125 |
1932/33 |
Speaker-P |
5 |
2129 [mit Philips-Logo] |
1932/33 |
Speaker-P |
1 |
2350 |
1932/33 |
Speaker-P |
3 |
$ |
2371 |
1932/33 |
Speaker-P |
15 |
$ |
2372 |
1932/33 |
Speaker-P |
5 |
Auto-Einbau-Einheit N6705 |
1969–72 |
Misc |
1 - AD162 |
1 |
1S |