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F: Radio Catalog for the radio manufacturer Radio-MJ (M.-J.); Paris

Here you can view a Radio Catalog for the selected Manufacturer/Brand on ONE page - and may use «Ctrl-F» to find models, but we recommend the normal search because the sorting here is done by computer without human intervention.

Be aware that this page is static and renewed only once every 10 days. You are better off using the dynamic page for the Radio Catalog.
To get a list by date, go back to the search page (HP) and use the "Advanced search for Antique Radios" by typing a manufacturer/brand in the corresponding field. To get the Picture Gallery, also check the green camera symbol. [modelindex.cfm-en]
Choose the only.

Model Year Category Tubes Pictures Forum Coll.Pr.

Américain IV 1949 ? Radio 4 - 6M7 1S    
Amplificateur PP-2A3 1936 Ampl/Mixer 5 - MH4      
Amplificateur PP-42 1936 Ampl/Mixer 5 - 6C6      
Amplificateur (Ampli) 6N7 1951 Ampl/Mixer 4 - 6F5 4S    
Amplificateur de sonorisationF Virtuose PP22 1978 ? Ampl/Mixer 5 - ECC83 1 Bilder vorhanden 8S    
Amplificateur monophonique BF Dancing 1949 ? Ampl/Mixer 5 - 6F5 1S    
Amplificateur monophonique BF Kermesse 1949 ? Ampl/Mixer 6 - 6F5 1S    
Amplificateur monophonique BF Meeting 1949 ? Ampl/Mixer 7 - 6F5 1S    
Amplificateur monophonique BF Salon 1949 ? Ampl/Mixer 5 - EF41 1S    
Ampli Galène 1940 Ampl/Mixer 1 - 3-405 1S    
Chevet IV 1949 ? Radio 4 - ECH3 1S    
Double Tuner FM / Stéréo 1962 Radio 12 - 6J6 1 Bilder vorhanden 7S    
Duo-Reinartz 1941 Radio 2 - A409 4S    
Economic Record 1951 Radio 5 - 6A8 3S    
Hétérodyne Super M 1949 ? Equipment 1 - 12BA6 1S    
Hétérodyne Super Perfo 1949 ? Equipment 4 - EF41 1S    
Hexapile 51 1951 Radio 6 - R236 4S    
Impérial 100 1934 Radio 6      
J-LUX 1936 Radio 5 - 6A7      
La Table Sonore 1936 Radio 5 - 6A7 1 Bilder vorhanden      
Litz-Total Rimlock 1951 Radio 3 - UCH42 4S    
M2A 1936 Radio 3 - 6C6 1 Bilder vorhanden      
M-36 1936 Radio 4 - 6D6      
M-66V 1936 Radio 6 - 6A7      
Poste de Vacance Poste à 1 Bigrille 1948 Radio 1 - A441N 1 Bilder vorhanden 3S    
Poste de Vacance Poste à 2 Bigrilles 1948 Radio 2 - A441N 1 Bilder vorhanden 2S    
Radio Pocket 1940 Radio 1 - A441_5pin 1 Bilder vorhanden 2S    
Record 51 1951 Radio 5 - UCH42 3S    
Salon 37 1936 Radio 5 - 6A7      
Salon 37 PP 7 1936 Radio 7 - 6A7      
Studio 37 1936 Radio 6 - 6A7      
Super Alternatif 1938/39 Radio 5 - 6A8 2 Bilder vorhanden 2S    
Super-Bijou 1936 Radio 5 - 6A7 1 Bilder vorhanden      
Super-Michigan IV (4) bis 1934 ? Radio 5 - 35 1S    
Symphonie 51 1951 Radio 6 - 6E8 7S    
Tétratube 1936 Radio 4 - EL3      
Transco 6 1936 Radio 6 - EK2      
Transco 8 1936 Radio 8 - EK2      
Transco IV (4) 1936/37 Radio 4 - EF5      
Tuner AM N°189 1965 Radio 8 - EF89 1 Bilder vorhanden 6S    
Week-End 51 1951 Radio 4 - 1R5 5S    
We are 18 203 members from more than 100 countries. You are invited to read the link "Sign up for MEMBERSHIP". Every person truly interested in antique radios is welcome. See also the tube pages and the collector pages. [modelindex.cfm]

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