Majestic Musical Instrument 7038 USA

Grundig (Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radiowerke); Fürth/Bayern

  • Año
  • 1958/1959
  • Categoría
  • Radio - o Sintonizador pasado WW2
  • ID
  • 183626
    • alternative name: Grundig Portugal || Grundig USA / Lextronix

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 Especificaciones técnicas

  • Numero de valvulas
  • 9
  • Principio principal
  • Superheterodino en general; ZF/IF 460/10700 kHz
  • Número de circuitos sintonía
  • 8 Circuíto(s) AM     13 Circuíto(s) FM
  • Gama de ondas
  • OM, dos OC y FM
  • Especialidades
  • Tocadiscos con cambiador autom.
  • Tensión de funcionamiento
  • Red: Corriente alterna (CA, Inglés = AC) / 110 / 220 Volt
  • Altavoz
  • 5 Altavoces
  • Material
  • Madera
  • de
  • Modelo: Majestic Musical Instrument 7038 USA - Grundig Radio-Vertrieb, RVF,
  • Forma
  • Consola baja, patas más cortas del 50%.
  • Anotaciones
  • The Grundig Majestic Musical Instrument 7038 USA is an AC operated FM-BC-SW 9 Tube Receiver with 4 Speed Automatic Record Changer. The set was often enriched by a reel to reel player/recorder which the customer could choose. We can also imagine that the customer had a choice for the record player. Supplier: Majestic International Sales Corp., 743 LaSalle St., Chicago 10, Illinois. For a typical description from a set owner see below the forum article.
    There is also the Grundig Majestic Musical Instrument 7028 which uses the same cabinet and probably also the same chassis, but does not provide the room for a reel to reel tape recorder.
  • Ext. procedencia de los datos
  • Guest David Lee Frater, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
  • Autor
  • Modelo creado por Ernst Erb. Ver en "Modificar Ficha" los participantes posteriores.

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Contribuciones en el Foro acerca de este modelo: Grundig Radio-: Majestic Musical Instrument 7038 USA

Hilos: 3 | Mensajes: 8

Hello everybody:

I have a radio very similar to this Grundig 7038. The cabinet, front panel of the radio, record player and reel to reel unit looks equal, but checking the chassis, It looks a bit different to the Majestic 7038. I can see 7 tubes only, are missing some IF cans, the ferrite anthena and others.

The label says:  GRUNDIG Radiogram 70....  Unfortunatelly the last numbers are missing because the paper label is broken.

I was looking it for in the Grundig list of RMorg without good results.

I will really appreciate any help to find information about this radio.

Thank you very much and kind regards,

José Bustos

Some pictures, the label, the chassis and the cabinet:

Leerzeilen gelöscht


José Bustos, 26.Jun.14

Weitere Posts (5) zu diesem Thema.


     I recently purchased a Grundig radio at a yard sale in the United States. The person that I purchased it from told me that it came over from Austria. The back cover has Model 7038 USA written on it. I am trying to find out if it is really a model 7038 or did they have to buy a new cover for the back in the USA due to the voltage difference. The reason I am wondering about this is that there are only 7 tubes not 9 tubes. The Chasis ID stamped on the back of the radiodoes not match the number on your website. The number is 206260878. I am trying to make sure of the model before I download any schematics. Any help wth this would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You!


Donald Swadey, 05.May.11

Weitere Posts (2) zu diesem Thema.

Grundig made many different radio models for export. For such models often there is no documentation in Germany and therefore we get for many of those models only an evidence if members or guests from outside of Germany bring in data and or pictures. Many of those Grundig export models were made for a special destination like the USA - as it is the case for the model "Musical Instrument Majestic 7038 USA".

The guest David Lee Frater from Los Angeles was so nice to send us a text about his set via the contact form. He will later send us documentation and pictures - and perhaps become a member. Here his text:

The Grundig-Majestic Musical Instrument 7038 USA Radio Console, is a stand up console with a high gloss blond finish on a wooden cabinette base. It has four short legs that angle out from the bottom of the cabinette, and raise the cabinette off of the floor about 4". Underneath, the main cabinette, is a full length "Hidden" Drawer, presumbably for the storage of the units accessories, such as spare phonograph needles, the tape recorder microphone, tape reels, the units documentation sheets, etc. The tilt up top of the unit contains the 4 speed, 10 platter Grundig Record Changer on the left side of the unit, and a Grundig reel to reel tape player/recorder on the right. On the front of the unit is a tilt-out section, that contains the actual radio set, which is a 9 tube super-heterodyne Hi Fi receiver with a BC/FM and two channel SW reciever. The unit has a Hi Fi Multisonic Pushbutton tone control output feature with five selections, mute, voice, multisonic, orchestra and Jazz. In the multisonic mode, a 4 channel equalizing circuit is engaged. The reciever also has push button selectors to select between BC, FM, SW I, and SW II. There are actually two different needle selctors for the unit under one face plate, the FM selection engages the FM selector needle on the dial, the other settings, BC, SW I and SW II, disengage the FM needle indicator, and engage a shared needle indicator for the BC, SW I and SW II selections.

The Grundig reel to reel tape player/recorder has 4 tubes and 2 selenium rectifiers. It is a Grundig model TM 20

The Grundig 4 speed, 10 platter record changer is a model REX-A, Perpetuum Ebner (PE) unit with a three pole two position PE crystal phono pickup, with the two positions marked "M" and  "N", and the number "785" stamped on the phono pickup cartridge. It uses two removeable saphire needles, one on each of the M and N settings.

The cabinette contains 5 speakers for a "3-D" output effect, one permenant magnet woofer on the front of the cabinette, two electrostatic tweeters, also on the front of the cabinette, and two permenant magnet midrange speakers on the right and left sides of the cabinette.

The tube compliment for the radio receiver is, ECC 85, ECH 81, EBF 89, EAA 91, ECC 83, EC 92, EL 95, EL 95, EM 34/35, an "Eagle Eye" Tuning Indicator and One Selenium Rectifier.

The tube compliment for the reel to reel tape player/recorder is, EF 86, ECC 81, EL 95, EM 84 and two Selenium Rectifiers.

The total tube compliment of the entire set, is, 9 tubes for the radio receiver, 4 tubes for the tape player/recorder for a total of 13 tubes in the entire set.

We have to keep in mind that the reel to reel tape player/recorder was not offered but space provided for and customers had the choice of the installation or not and if yes which model of tape recorder. David Lee Frater told us also:

It is interesting, in that, a full set of documentation on the set, was found with the set, in a "hidden" pull out drawer underneath the main body of the cabinette. The documentation includes a full set of schematics, an operations manual for the radio component, an operations manual for the 4 speed, 10 platter record changer, and an operations manual for the reel to reel tape player/recorder.

This appears to be a very fine, very high end model, and I am surprised it is not currently documented in your Grundig section of your product lists. I would like to assist your organization in fully documenting this set for your archives.

I will, take a full set of HD digital photographs of the unit, and send those along to you as well. I would like a direct email address to send these items to you, since with the photos, scans of the schematics, and scans of the original users manuals, my attachments would greatly exceede your attachment limits in this form.

We thank very much for such kindness because this will help other collectors a lot for this model.

Ernst Erb, 11.Oct.10

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