Storage-Normalizer 8750A

Hewlett-Packard, (HP); Palo Alto, CA

  • Año
  • 1980 ??
  • Categoría
  • Aparato de medida y servicio (Equipo de laboratorio).
  • ID
  • 190786

 Especificaciones técnicas

  • Numero de transistores
  • Hay semiconductores.
  • Semiconductores
  • Gama de ondas
  • - no hay
  • Tensión de funcionamiento
  • Red: Corriente alterna (CA, Inglés = AC) / 100; 120; 220; 240 Volt
  • Altavoz
  • - - No hay salida de sonido.
  • Material
  • Metálico
  • de
  • Modelo: Storage-Normalizer 8750A - Hewlett-Packard, HP; Palo Alto
  • Forma
  • Chasis (tambien de autoradio)
  • Ancho, altura, profundidad
  • 212 x 102 x 280 mm / 8.3 x 4 x 11 inch
  • Anotaciones
  • Passend zu HP 8755 / 8407A / 8412A / 8410A / 8412A / und HP 8505A Netzwerk-Analysatoren - und HP 8557A / HP8558B und HP 8565A Spectrum-Analysatoren,
    With HP's versatile 8750A Storage-Normalizer, you can make your network analyzer or spectrum analyzer measurements faster, easier, and more accurately through the simple addition of digital storage and normalization. This useful instrument accessory is directly compatible via a single interface cable with the following HewlettPackard instruments:
    HP 8755 Scalar Network Analyzer
    HP 8410/8412B,
    HP 8754A and the HP 8505A Networks Analyzers
    HP 8557A, 8558B, 8565A and 8559A Spectrum Analyzers
    A special I/O adapter (opt 001 or opt 002) is available for interfacing instruments (like HP 140 Series Spectrum Analyzers) that are not directly compatible with the HP 8750A
    An external oscilloscope can then be used for digitally stored and normalized displays. (The HP 8750A is not compatible with the HP 8414B Polar Display or the polar mode of the HP 8505A or the HP 8754A)
    In network analyzer applications, digital storage always yields a flicker-free display of the complete device response, facilitating easy adjustment of test devices under slow sweep conditions. Measurement accuracy is also improved since frequency response errors can be automatically removed through digital normalization. This effectively eliminates the need to manually record calibration traces an a CRT or x-y recorder and allows high resolution measurements of attenuator, amplifier, or filter passband flatness.
    In spectrum analyzer applications, the HP 8750A's digital storage feature simplifies many difficult tests requiring slow scan times such as high resolution modulation measurements. Drift tests are also easy since two traces, a stored reference and the current input, can be displayed simultaneously.
  • Peso neto
  • 2.720 kg / 5 lb 15.9 oz (5.991 lb)
  • Precio durante el primer año
  • 2,600.00 $
  • Mencionado en
  • -- Original prospect or advert (Rosenkranz Elektronik 1993)
  • Autor
  • Modelo creado por Karlheinz Fischer. Ver en "Modificar Ficha" los participantes posteriores.

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