• Année
  • 1928
  • Catégorie
  • Phonographe mécanique
  • Radiomuseum.org ID
  • 355376

 Spécifications techniques

  • Gammes d'ondes
  • - sans
  • Particularités
  • Tourne disque avec changeur
  • Tension / type courant
  • Alimentation Courant Alternatif (CA)
  • Haut-parleur
  • Cornet ou pavillon
  • Matière
  • Boitier en bois
  • De Radiomuseum.org
  • Modèle: Gramophone Automatic 1 - HMV Brand, His Masters Voice,
  • Forme
  • Console avec pieds bas < 50% de la hauteur
  • Remarques
  • HMV Model 1 Autochanger 1928

    HMV gramophone automatic model – Auto 1. Introduced in September 1928 with an accoustic No. 5A soundbox, a re-entrant horn, an electric light (second model), and a 220 volt electrical turntable, this was easily the most expensive gramophone marketed by HMV. The gramophone can play sequentially up to twenty records, (which can be a mixture of 10″ and 12″), or – to quote the HMV sales literature “repeat any one record as often as desired, (a feature that will appeal at once to dancers).” It is controlled directly from the front of the gramophone, or at a distance by means of the portable pedestal switch. The basic gramophone cost £125; with the doors it cost an extra £15 and in mahogany a further £15, so this example cost an astonishing £155. It is also extremely heavy. 

    Gramophone Automatic 1, H.M.V., 1928. This is the largest of the retractable models and the shortest-lived. This astonishing contraption cost £125, had an electric motor, a walnut case and, in the original version, an early form of remote control, which enabled the machine to be operated from the comfort of an armchair.

    Original description from: “Fonografi e Grammofoni” by Christopher Proudfoot, Italian edition “Silvana Editoriale” 1980.

    Grammofono «Automatic I°», H.M.V., 1928. É il più grande dei modelli rientranti e quello di più breve vita. Questo sbalorditivo congegno costava £ 125, aveva un motore elettrico, un mobile di noce e, nella versione originale, una primitiva forma di comando a distanza, che consentiva di azionare la macchina standosene comodamente in poltrona.

    Descrizione originale da: “Fonografi e Grammofoni” di Christopher Proudfoot. Edizione Italiana Silvana Editoriale, 1980.

  • Littérature
  • -- Original prospect or advert (“Fonografi e Grammofoni” by Christopher Proudfoot, Italian edition “Silvana Editoriale” 1980.)
  • Auteur
  • Modèle crée par Pier Antonio Aluffi. Voir les propositions de modification pour les contributeurs supplémentaires.

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