Sensitite Electric Three

Wholesale Wireless Co. Ltd.; London

  • Year
  • 1930 ?
  • Category
  • Kit (Parts plus instruction) or building instructions only
  • ID
  • 355489

 Technical Specifications

  • Number of Tubes
  • 4
  • Valves / Tubes
  • Main principle
  • TRF with regeneration; Screengrid 1926-1935
  • Wave bands
  • Broadcast (MW) and Long Wave.
  • Power type and voltage
  • Alternating Current supply (AC) / 50 Hz, 240 Volt
  • Loudspeaker
  • - This model requires external speaker(s).
  • Material
  • Wooden case
  • from
  • Model: Sensitite Electric Three - Wholesale Wireless Co. Ltd.;
  • Shape
  • Tablemodel, Box - most often with Lid (NOT slant panel).
  • Notes
  • The Sensitite Electric Three: A 3-Valve Kit Receiver

    The Sensitite Electric Three, as the name suggests, is a three-valve, all-electric radio receiver sold as a kit of parts.

    Display and Retail:

    • Retailers can purchase a special display set with all components attractively packaged in a large carton suitable for window or counter display.
    • Inside the carton, components are separated by compartments and protected with orange-colored paper. The drilled panel, baseboard, and screens are also included within the hinged lid.

    Design and Features:

    The completed receiver takes a chassis form with a vertical control panel at the front.

    • The circuit utilizes three valves:
      • An indirectly heated S.G. high-frequency (HF) valve
      • An indirectly heated detector valve
      • A directly heated output valve (either super power or pentode type)
    • The control panel features a central metal escutcheon displaying the tuning dial.
    • On the bottom left and right corners are knobs for:
      • The 50,000-ohm reaction potentiometer (controls screening grid voltage to the HF valve)
      • The small trimming condenser
    • Below the escutcheon is a push-pull wave-change switch.
    • The mains switch is located at the top of the panel.
    • Six terminals and a radio-gramophone changeover switch are mounted on a back panel strip.
    • The remaining components, including the mains equipment, are placed in four compartments formed by vertical metal screws.
    • Ganged tuning is employed, with coils wound on ribbed ebonite formers.

    Power Supply:

    • The mains equipment utilizes a transformer, a smoothing choke, condensers, and a Philips 506 full-wave rectifying valve.

    Additional Information:

    • Each kit is supplied sealed, complete with an instruction booklet, detailed wiring instructions, and a blueprint.
    • The retail price of the kit (without valves) is £9/10/-.
    • An oak cabinet to house the receiver is available separately for £1/5/-.
  • Price in first year of sale
  • 9.50 GB £
  • Mentioned in
  • -- Original prospect or advert (Wireless & Gramophone Trader, Sep 13, 1930, Page 296)
  • Author
  • Model page created by Gary Cowans. See "Data change" for further contributors.

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