2N2614= MP40A?

ID: 423835
This article refers to the component: To the tube/semiconductor

? 2N2614= MP40A? 
20.Sep.17 18:27

Omer Suleimanagich (USA)
Articles: 431
Count of Thanks: 11
Omer Suleimanagich

The MP40A is supposed to be an analog with transistor OC70   Can the MP40A be used to replace a 2N2614?

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2N2614= MP40A? 
20.Sep.17 21:30
17 from 1734

Günther Stabe † 19.8.20 (D)
Articles: 398
Count of Thanks: 12
Günther Stabe † 19.8.20

Dear Omer,

the 2N2614 is designed for a max voltage of Vce = -40 V, OC70 = -30 V, mp40a = -20 V.

Because we don't know the existing voltages at the collectors  of the 2N2614's in the relevant model / schematic, I can't recommend this replacement. The gain (hfe) also differs, so a Japanese type like 2SB75A, 2SB77A, 2SB178A will be more suitable.

If a max voltage of -30 V will be sufficient, the AC122 may be a good choice, please take a look here, a really satisfying offer.

Good luck,



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