6e5s (6e5s)

ID: 184051
This article refers to the component: To the tube/semiconductor

6e5s (6e5s) 
19.Feb.09 20:20

Sinisa Trlin (HR)
Articles: 8
Count of Thanks: 10


Hickok 533A settings for testing this tube are:

6e5s     6,3   JR-5607-0     --         --       P4        ------     Eye open

6e5s     6,3   JR-5637-0     --         --       P4        ------     Eye closed

this setings would work on all early models up to 600 model.

539A, KS-15560 also.

This setting will NOT work on 539B/C, 6000, 752 ect.

Regards Sinisa

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