Capacitor identificiation markings

ID: 316003
? Capacitor identificiation markings 
25.Mar.13 22:10

David Schulman (USA)
Articles: 19
Count of Thanks: 6
David Schulman

I'm restoring a German set that I have and found what I believe to be an electrolytic cap that needs replacing. From what I can tell, it's 20uf @ 35 / 40 V. However, what I can't tell, is what the positive and negative leads are. They are marked 1 & 2. See attached photo. I'm not familiar with this designation, can anyone help? It is sincerely appreciated.


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Bipolar or unipolar electrolytic 
25.Mar.13 22:44
6 from 2194

Bernhard Nagel (D)
Articles: 1735
Count of Thanks: 7
Bernhard Nagel

If both ends of the aluminium can have rubber insulators, it's a non polarized electrolytic. In this case, it is negligible how the electrolytic is soldered in place. Seems to be part of a speaker crossover network.

But i'm wondering if the stated capacitance of this specimen has been degraded. I would not replace this Siemens electrolytic if a) capacitance differs no more than -10% to +20% from printed value and b) the ESR (equivalent serie resistance) is low, about 1...5 Ω at 1 kHz. Usually these Siemens electrolytics are known for reliability although often more than 55 years old.

If replacement is still necessary, use also a non polarized elec. for audio applications (these have smooth electrodes for lower losses) or a plastic foil capacitor.

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Thank you 
25.Mar.13 22:52
8 from 2194

David Schulman (USA)
Articles: 19
Count of Thanks: 6
David Schulman

Bernhard, thank you so much. It is part of the audio network of a Grundig set. The bottom of the cap is seriously burned (something must have been extremely hot), so I think replacement will probably be necessary. I'll go ahead and test it just in case it can be saved.

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Which Model? 
26.Mar.13 10:54
60 from 2194

Bernhard Nagel (D)
Articles: 1735
Count of Thanks: 6
Bernhard Nagel

Please specify the Grundig set (type/model), because this thread should be moved to it. Thanks.

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Bipolar electrolytic 
26.Mar.13 12:05
74 from 2194

Wolfgang Bauer (A)
Articles: 2497
Count of Thanks: 5
Wolfgang Bauer

It is the capacitor 20µF from your Grundig 7063?
This is a bipolar type.

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Type / Model 
26.Mar.13 12:01
72 from 2194

David Schulman (USA)
Articles: 19
Count of Thanks: 7
David Schulman

It would be a Grundig 7063W/3D. And yes, that is the one. Thank you all for your help.

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