grundig: Connector type

ID: 683434
? grundig: Connector type 
12.Feb.25 01:03

Dave Oneill (USA)
Articles: 61

What type connector does this use? I tried a pl-259 and it

Does not work.


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grundig: Connector type 
12.Feb.25 09:20
39 from 822

It might be a non-standard "metric" PL-259 connector, using a M16 fine thread instead of the standardized UNEF 5/8-24 thread. I have encountered those metric connectors on some old italian and japanese equipment.

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grundig: Connector type 
12.Feb.25 12:12
70 from 822

Dave Oneill (USA)
Articles: 61

grundig tv-1: Connector type 
12.Feb.25 14:18
92 from 822

Dave Oneill (USA)
Articles: 61

Can someone translate the german manual on this site so that I know which terminals do what on the meter. I believe the outer 2 banana ports are for a/c voltage and the center one for RF. Thanks

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grundig tv-1: Connector type 
13.Feb.25 10:17
172 from 822

Hello Mr. Oneill,

I own a Grundig RV11 which has similar connectors. I'm astonished the PL-plug didn't fit - mine does.
Also the description of the TV1 shows "international used rf-connector" which is the PL-259 ...

The manual of the TV1 states that one can use cables with banana plugs (gnd is the right socket (7) ).

Kind regards,

D. Consales

P.S.: when I look at your plug - that seems not to be PL-259 at all

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grundig: Connector type 
13.Feb.25 17:26
209 from 822

Michael Watterson (IRL)
Articles: 1099

Your PL529 looks like a cheap crimp one. regular ones don't have the tip. I have had cheap PL529 connectors with a poor thread.

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grundig: Connector type 
13.Feb.25 21:02
232 from 822

Dave Oneill (USA)
Articles: 61

Thanks for the help guys. I have a more serious problem. I connected the

Outer probes to a/c and it sparked like an arc welder. Neither side of the

Plug goes to the chassis. What is causing this? Maybe the ports are wrong, i cant read 

The german instructions.


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grundig: Connector type 
13.Feb.25 21:41
238 from 822

These are both ground (there is a mistake in the description, 8 + 9 is the output, but 8 is the gnd, not 9)

Your input should be fed to the center of the coax socket (4mm banana plug) and gnd (7 or 8).


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grundig: Connector type 
14.Feb.25 00:09
258 from 822

Dave Oneill (USA)
Articles: 61

I put a/c voltage to 8 and the center coax, nothing.


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grundig: Connector type 
14.Feb.25 01:22
262 from 822

Normal operation is in position "300ms" ...

- first before switching on adjust the meter to zero position

- now switch on without any connection to the input. Toggle between "Eichen/cal. V" and "300ms". The reading should be the same in both positions. If it's not you can calibrate that with the screw in the center of the device (4).

- now you can switch to "300ms" and connect your voltage to 6(coax center) + 7

If that does not work you'll have to find the error in the device ...

P.S.: device should be 10 minutes on before calibration

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grundig: Connector type 
14.Feb.25 01:55
266 from 822

Dave Oneill (USA)
Articles: 61

Still does nothing. This is an ac meter, right. Probably needs

To be recapped. Its 65 years old. Meter has lots of caps.


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grundig: Connector type 
14.Feb.25 02:58
270 from 822

You can try - but I wouldn't without a good reason. There are many voltages in the circuit diagram you could check first and go from there. Even a tube can be bad so changing all caps imho does not make much sense before that. Sometimes it works - but what if not?


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grundig: Connector type 
14.Feb.25 07:35
290 from 822

Michael Watterson (IRL)
Articles: 1099

That looks like a polyester cap beside the Electrolytic. They are likelyu OK. Only non-hermetic paper capacitors need replaced wholesale.
The metal can electrolytic caps usually reform if the rubber end hasn't cracked and allowed it to dry out.

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grundig: Connector type 
14.Feb.25 12:56
327 from 822

Dave Oneill (USA)
Articles: 61

I will check the voltages per the schematic states on the bottom of the schematic  voltages are with 200v. I am using 120v usa. Is that an issue?


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grundig: Connector type 
14.Feb.25 13:07
331 from 822

Michael Watterson (IRL)
Articles: 1099

Unless there is a setting for 115V, you'll need a transformer to 220V.

However the model page writes that it also supports 120V.  I also can see the mains transformer has a 120V tap on the input.

Possibly the mains fuse is positioned for 120V or 220V input as I see two fuse holder at the mains cable.

Then the circuit diagram voltages are the same as for 220V mains. 


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grundig: Connector type 
14.Feb.25 13:37
335 from 822

Dave Oneill (USA)
Articles: 61

Thanks Michael for that input. Daniel, you said that normal operation is 300ms but but looking

at the schematic 300ms comes off the 6.3v transformer and goes no where. 30ms go to the meter. Any thoughts?


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grundig: Connector type 
14.Feb.25 20:59
398 from 822

Dave Oneill (USA)
Articles: 61

I tested the ECF80 tube and the pentode is bad. The site says this tube is the same as a 6BL8 but my hickok tester has different settings for these and the 6Bl8 settings do not work. Same with the EF85, its not the same as the 6CF8. The settings for the 6CF8 do not work for the EF85. If the ECF80 pentode is bad can the meter not function?

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grundig: Connector type 
15.Feb.25 02:09
429 from 822

Your fotos show the fuse in position 120V - so the readings have to be the same.

Regarding the 300ms: that's what the description says :-)

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grundig: Connector type 
15.Feb.25 02:39
434 from 822

The ac from 6,3V goes there AND to the voltage devider for the calibration process.  The result has to be the same in both positions. So the amplifier has to be adjusted so that the loss through the devider gets compensated which leads to the same reading like before. Hope that is understandable (?)

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grundig: Connector type 
15.Feb.25 09:28
458 from 822

Michael Watterson (IRL)
Articles: 1099

ECF80 and 6BL8 are interchangeable. The Hickok testers are mostly good/fail testers for new tubes and not so very useful. Also compare the Hickock settings with actual pin data.

The 6CF8 is an EF86. And EF86 and EF85 are not interchangeable.

An EF85 is interchangeable with a 6BY7

  EDIT Maybe you typed EF85 by mistake? The Grundig meter does use an EF86

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grundig: Connector type 
15.Feb.25 09:46
464 from 822

Michael Watterson (IRL)
Articles: 1099

I would replace the selenium rectifier with a silicon bridge or 4 x 1N4007. Maybe put 100 Ohms 2.5W in series with either input or + out (which ever is easiest) if HT is too high.

Even if it's working now it will fail.

Check the HT voltages first, then if OK: cathode voltages and anode voltages.

IF HT voltages are all OK

The Cathode voltages being 50% low means the tube is low emission. I'd not worry if 25% low. No cathode voltage means the tube is dead, or socket is faulty as there is no negative supply.

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grundig: Connector type 
15.Feb.25 09:50
467 from 822

Michael Watterson (IRL)
Articles: 1099

C32 0.1uF on EF86 anode should be examined. Replace if a paper type. The moulded pale mustard capacitors are plastic film and should be fine.

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grundig: Connector type 
15.Feb.25 13:35
491 from 822

Dave Oneill (USA)
Articles: 61

Yes typo, should be ef86 and its different then the 6cf8. Hickok is the

Best tester available.


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grundig: Connector type 
15.Feb.25 14:12
494 from 822

Dave Oneill (USA)
Articles: 61

Now i know why americans say stay away from german stuff,

Its a pain to work on. Dont see the selenium rectifier. Hidden

Electrolytics probably are bad. Resistor unknown value

Looks burned. Bulb (good) does not come on, no voltage

But transformer puts out 6.3v. This meter holds a charge

For a long time and shocks.


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grundig: Connector type 
15.Feb.25 14:36
501 from 822

Looks like the rectifier is right before your eyes - above the burned resistor you showed ;-)

The resistor starts with blue/grey so "68?" so it will be R27 - so no wonder nothing works, the tubes dont get anode voltages.

I can understand your frustration but in my experiences  maintanance on _every_ measuring instrument is a pita regardless of the vendor

P.S.: and it holds the voltage because the failure of the resistor ...

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grundig: Connector type 
15.Feb.25 14:51
509 from 822

Michael Watterson (IRL)
Articles: 1099

Hickock is a basic go/fail shop tester.

See the Avo VCM163 or even the VCM Mk IV (which some Belfast retail TV & Radio shops still had in 1966+).

I've used and restored all three models.

There is no problem with old Grundig or German stuff 1950s to 1970s, it's just not what you are used to.

Take out the tubes and the selenium bridge Likely about 1.25" square 1/4" thick aluminium "wafer" with 4 terminals bolted to chassis. Then feed the HT rail from a 30V DC PSU current limited to about 10mA. This will reform the electrolytics. Any Electrolytics where the current doesn't fall to less than 1mA or that are open circuit after 4 hours are faulty.

I've also restored Grundig radios and tape. Multiple USA RCA and Hallicrafters radios.  

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grundig: Connector type 
15.Feb.25 17:57
527 from 822

Dave Oneill (USA)
Articles: 61

Why did they use huge capacitors in parallel to get 100uf. There are 3

Of them.


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grundig: Connector type 
15.Feb.25 18:03
529 from 822

Dave Oneill (USA)
Articles: 61

The power chord has 3 connectors that go to the board. Red is cut 

Off at the power plug.


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grundig: Connector type 
15.Feb.25 23:29
572 from 822

Regarding the electrolytic capacitors, its possible that the designers chose to use that type of capacitors because it was cheap and used in large numbers in mass produced radios etc. Maybe a reason for distributing the capacitance in several cans was to increase life of the capacitors by sharing the ripple current between them.

Regarding the mains cord, the colors according to german standards from that time are as follows:

Black - phase

White or light grey - neutral

Red - protective ground

It is common - but dangerous - that the ground wire is cut in measuring instruments, if some user has had problems with hum due to ground loops or wanted to make measurements in AC/DC sets or televisions with "hot" chassis, without using a proper isolation transformer.

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grundig: Connector type 
19.Feb.25 22:36
801 from 822

Dave Oneill (USA)
Articles: 61

I was thinking of putting a 3 prong ac plug on the power

Cord but i noticed the schematic does not show one.

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