crosley: Models Crosley 146 and 146-1 chassis.
crosley: Models Crosley 146 and 146-1 chassis.
Crosley sold different models with the monoband chasssis 124. The year after they sold modesl with the chassis 146 (one loudspeaker for table top models) and with chassis 146-1 for consoles with two loudspeakers. Reading advertisements one might believe that this new chassis would have two bands, croadcast and police. In reality it is also a monoband chassis - which went up to quite a bit higher frequencies than the chassis 124.
That made some owners of models with the chassis 124 to later build in the 146 chassis which seems to be having the same size and knob positions. As an example, see the case of this model, an Announcer cabinet which normally has a 124 chassis - with a 146 chassis.
I asked Dave McClellan who owns also a special model with a chassis 146 to investigate how far it can tune the broadcast band. Here his answer:
I measured the highest frequency the Crosley 146 would receive. It was
1642kHz on my receiver. After that, dead quiet, as if the receiver was no
longer oscillating. The dial setting was 16 + about 4 ticks at this point.
Perhaps the type 57 converter tube could not handle any higher frequencies.
Maybe a different or a new tube could do better (the tube tested good). Or
perhaps the coils have absorbed moisture. And none of the mica capacitors
were changed in the restoration. So unfortunately, it is not possible to
determine the highest frequency the radio can receive, at least with MY
Thank you, Dave.
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