DT21 (DT21)
ID: 290816
This article refers to the component: To the tube/semiconductor
DT21 (DT21)
18.Jun.12 15:31
Thomas (Tom) Going (GB)
Count of Thanks: 8
Count of Thanks: 8
EKCO DT21 valve
Although EKCO planned to introduce battery filament valves, they were never in fact produced. Some of the company service manuals give these type numbers, but by the time the radio sets had been produced, E.K.Cole had concluded a "new commercial deal" with Mullard (Philips, in the UK) and their valves were used instead. Ekco only made the 4-volt A.C. mains valves, from ca. 1936 to 1938.
Tom Going
18th June 2012
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