fada:  ; 172 FADA

ID: 231009
This article refers to the model: 172 (Fada Radio & Electric Co.; Long Island (NY))

? fada:  ; 172 FADA 
01.Oct.10 16:14

Merlin Fisher (USA)
Articles: 18
Count of Thanks: 6

 Have a FADA 172 radio  my ? is the frame is charged with 120 volts when on. Found that if I unbolt the Electro cond block it goes away. can  there be a short with in this block? Anybody ever had this happen to them or is the way.  Merl      PS I'm a new be on some of this thanks

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Fada 172 hot chassis 
04.Oct.10 08:59
64 from 2638

Thomas Albrecht (USA)
Articles: 384
Count of Thanks: 8
Thomas Albrecht

Hi Merlin,

Assuming the ground symbols on the schematic are connected to chassis, this radio has a hot chassis design.  Note that one side of the line cord is connected directly to ground through the power switch.

Check how yours is wired -- if one of the connections from the power switch goes to chassis ground, then this is a hot chassis design.

Sometimes the ground symbol on the schematic is not connected to the chassis, and the chassis is connected to this "ground" through a capacitor.  If that is the case on this radio, then a short in that particular capacitor could result in a hot chassis which is disconnected when you remove the connection to the capacitor.

Best regards,


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