nad: first picture here showing NAD 3020i model

ID: 493994
nad: first picture here showing NAD 3020i model 
01.Nov.18 16:33

Bartosz Szwed (GB)
Articles: 10
Count of Thanks: 11
Bartosz Szwed

i think so first picture showing NAD 3020i model and should be crated separately model

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It's a model 3020 
01.Nov.18 17:31
7 from 4213

Bernhard Nagel (D)
Articles: 1724
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Bernhard Nagel

After checking some pictures of ended ebay auctions, the model NAD 3020i has this printed at the face plate. So the first picture showing here belongs to a model 3020, although different lettering can be seen. Maybe it's a late version of the 3020.

However, the model 3020i should be created new.


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It's a model 3020 
01.Nov.18 18:29
18 from 4213

Wolfgang Bauer (A)
Articles: 2492
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Wolfgang Bauer

There are several different versions of this model:
3020, 3020i, 3020 Series 20 and more other.

Greetings Wolfgang.

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It's a model 3020 
01.Nov.18 23:26
51 from 4213

Bartosz Szwed (GB)
Articles: 10
Count of Thanks: 10
Bartosz Szwed

So then i think model 2030 20 series should be separately, and all other models should appear separately. I think so they are diffrents not only on the front faceplate but also in schematics. If yes then even if first picture showing model 2030 shold not go toghether with model 2030 20 series ...

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It's a model 3020 
01.Nov.18 23:50
54 from 4213

Bernhard Nagel (D)
Articles: 1724
Count of Thanks: 11
Bernhard Nagel


this is correct, two new models should be created. Would you do this?

  • NAD 3020i and
  • NAD 3020 Series 20 (has a 5-LED power meter at the right above the volume control)

The pictures already uploaded here can be sorted after approval of the new models.
Thanks to Wolfgang Bauer picturing these differences.

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It's a model 3020 
02.Nov.18 00:48
59 from 4213

Bartosz Szwed (GB)
Articles: 10
Count of Thanks: 9
Bartosz Szwed

I will create 2030 20series as i working on that model on my nench right now....

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It's a model 3020 
02.Nov.18 09:06
81 from 4213

Wolfgang Bauer (A)
Articles: 2492
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Wolfgang Bauer

I did a little more research and found this ==> page where the whole series is documented.

3020-Series 20, 3020A, 3020B, 3020e, 3020i,

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nad: first picture here showing NAD 3020i model 
23.Apr.19 00:25
399 from 4213

Howard Craven (GB)
Articles: 110
Count of Thanks: 8

The first pic on this model page is indeed a 3020i model, even though it is marked 3020. This exhibit is still on the National Museum of Scotland website where it is described as a 3020i model. It was no doubt specially produced for the Museum as it is gold in colour, the 3020 was only produced in grey or very rarely in silver.

National Museum of Scotland 3020 exhibit

I have set up a model page for the 3020i model and the pic will be moved there shortly.

Stereo Amplifier 3020i

I am in the process of creating individual model pages for all the 3020 models which include the 3020A, 3020B, 3020e and 3020i. This 3020 model page will be changed to the 3020 Series 20 which was the first 3020 model released in 1979 as all the pics uploaded to it apart from the above are of that model. The other 3020 model page for the 3020 20 Series (sic) with no uploaded pics will be merged with it and removed.

Stereo Amplifier 3020 20 series



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nad: first picture here showing NAD 3020i model 
25.Apr.19 14:59
495 from 4213

Howard Craven (GB)
Articles: 110
Count of Thanks: 9

Hello again,

There are now model pages for five NAD 3020 models. Apart from this one for the 3020 Series 20 there are model pages for the NAD 3020A, NAD 3020B, NAD 3020e and NAD 3020i and the pic of the special gold coloured 3020 is now on the 3020i model page. If you have any of the later 3020 models in your collection do please upload pics of them onto the new model pages,

Regards ...... Howard


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nad: first picture here showing NAD 3020i model 
25.Apr.19 18:12
511 from 4213

Georg Richter (D)
Articles: 916
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Georg Richter

Hello Howard,

the golden model in the National Museum is mentioning an other NAD address:

NAD Electronics Ltd
Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, England, EUROPE

This shall be verified, and then added to the company page.
Maybe they know the year when they got it? 1989?

Best Regards,

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nad: first picture here showing NAD 3020i model 
25.Apr.19 23:23
543 from 4213

Howard Craven (GB)
Articles: 110
Count of Thanks: 8

Hello Georg,

To confirm that address will take some time, NAD have never been forthcoming with their addresses with none appearing in their manuals, and a subsiduary company ....

NAD Sales Ltd,
Cousteau Hose,
Greycaine Road,

appearing on their brochures. They also had offices in London, Boston and Tokyo.

Regards .... Howard


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