radialva: French text on buttons
radialva: French text on buttons
Radialva transtor 8 europe, french text on buttons mean:
PU pickup
MA marquer uitzetten, power off
GO grandes ondes 1100-1950 mtr (272-154 khz) lange golf, long wave
Ant auto externe antenne, external antenne
PO petites ondes 185-535 mtr (1620-560 khz) midden golf, broadcast
OC ondes courtes 15-51 Mtr (20-5,9 mhz) korte golf, shortwave
( lokal 892 => 336 mtr & 1584 => 189 mtr
(OM onde medic & OL onde lungle)
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radialva: French text on buttons
Hello Fred,
just wanted to remark that the red letters 'MA' on one of the push-buttons are the abbreviation of
Marche / Arrêt, which means 'Go / Stop' ... or in other words: 'On / Off'.
Best regards,
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radialva: French text on buttons
With the button MA you can only power Off the radio, No power On
greetings fred
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