graetz: General question about adding dial scale scans t

ID: 225822
This article refers to the model: Sinfonia 522 (Graetz, Altena (Westfalen))

? graetz: General question about adding dial scale scans t 
09.Aug.10 20:19

Antoni Regeling (USA)
Articles: 13
Count of Thanks: 10
Antoni Regeling


I'm currently restoring a Graetz Sinfonia 522 that had a broken dial glass. I bought a second 522 in bad condition just for the dial glass, I decided to try and make a reproduction of the dial glass allowing me to restore that second radio as well. I scanned the good dial glass using a regular 600 DPI scanner and then printed it on those plastic transparant sheets that were used extensively in the early pre-projector powerpoint days. I glued the sheets to a new piece of glass I cut and voila, I have a very acceptable dial glass reproduction, looking much better then a dial glass glued together of various pieces. I doubt most people would even have the opportunity to glue it back together because I've seen dial glasses broken in hundreds of pieces. I've heard there are printing companies that can actually print on glass directly (silk screening) given a good scan and that should give results undistinguishable from the original.

Browsing your forums I learned I'm definitely not the only one that had to deal with a broken dial glass. Therefore my question: would it be an idea to allow people to upload dial glass scans to the model database, just like people can upload schematics? Be aware though that good quality dial scale scans will be large, several MB each.

Best regards,

Ton Regeling

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Dials and Scales 
09.Aug.10 20:46
17 from 7632

Thomas Günzel † 1.8.22 (D)
Articles: 212
Count of Thanks: 8
Thomas Günzel † 1.8.22

Hello Antoni,

We already have pages dedicated for dials or scales

See here Scales I

and here Scales II

A dial or scale must not have a big size when prepared properly before uploading.

As an example you can see here the dial of a french model which only uses 163K

Kind regards


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Quality Scans 
11.Aug.10 00:55
114 from 7632

Martin Renz (D)
Articles: 694
Count of Thanks: 10
Martin Renz

A scan of a dial glas of about 20" x 4" should be made with at least 300dpi. This means 6000 x 1200 px or 7 200 000 dots. As a full colour image it has a raw size of 21 MByte. With some (a lot of) work on the scan and the use of a lossy format like „gif“ or „png-8“ you can reduce the image to 3-4 colors and get a size of about 100 - 200 kB (see attachment)

At the moment you have 3 ways to upload the scan:

  1. As a picture at the model page or the „dial glas model“. This means, you have to reduce the size to max 933 px in both directions, which makes it useless for reprints.
  2. As a schematic at the model page or the „dial glas model“. This means, you have to rotate the image upright to get the most out of it. It will be converted into the PDF format and will be fitted into the European letter size (296 x 210mm) This makes it difficult to reprint it in the correct size. Some quality losses may occurre.
  3. As an attachment, as I did here. This means, you have to write an article first. At the moment, its the best way, to preserve the quality. The file size has to be less than 200kB.

All three ways are some kind of „suboptimal“. We can't open the file size for bigger files, as there will be a lot of bad quality images with no compression at all. The process has to be controlled by a human person, who proofs the size and quality of the uploads and helps members to get the best quality possible. If we could find such a person, who can and will do the job permanently, there might be a chance to get a better solution.



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graetz: General question about adding dial scale scans t 
29.Jan.17 15:58
3079 from 7632

Alberto Mengual (E)
Count of Thanks: 7

Dear Sir,

Can anybody send me a copy of the GRAETZ SINFONIA 522 glass scanned ?

My email:

If I need pay for it, I will be agree too.


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