grundig: KS590WE;

ID: 307229
? grundig: KS590WE;  
01.Jan.13 07:07

Devendra Singh Dhariwal (IND)
Articles: 2
Count of Thanks: 6

Hi, I am resotring a Grundig KS 590 WE. The speakers cones on all speakers are torn. Where can I find appropriate cones or speakers for the console? Please advice.

The details of speakers are,

Pair of 10" full range speakers with DEW magnets # 7003-007,

Pair of 7"x5" oval tweeters with sound guides # 7059-030,

Pair of 7"x5" oval speakers # 7059-011

Pair of 4.6" round speakers #7014-011

Please suggest if I can use any other speakers while retaining the original sonic signature.



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Broken Speaker Cones 
02.Jan.13 03:18
48 from 3496

Craig Vodnik (USA)
Articles: 48
Count of Thanks: 6
Craig Vodnik

Hi Dev,

While I haven't yet used any of these services myself, there is a great list of places to get old parts or service for broken parts.

Go to the Forum search and type in "vintage electronics" and look for the article titled Suppliers for Vintage Electronics, radio parts, tuners, etc"  I couldn't get a direct link for you... sorry.

Scroll down about half or two thirds and you will find the section.

Good luck!


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grundig: KS590WE; how remove the HF-10 tuner from KS-590 
05.Aug.21 02:50
2189 from 3496

Bart Sporken (NL)
Articles: 5
Count of Thanks: 2

Hello Dev,


I am restoring a KS-590, i need to remove the HF-10 (Tuner). How do i remove it; tried pulling from the top but only the display/dials come up, blocked by the turn buttons.


Do i open the back of the KS-590 to get acess to the HF-10?
I already removed the NF-10 and i was able to repair the NF-10.



Bart Sporken


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