telefunken: Info request about Telefunken 770 wkk device
? telefunken: Info request about Telefunken 770 wkk device
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telefunken: Info request about Telefunken 770 wkk device
First check DC voltage on detector diode (connected to 76 capacitor[1]). There should be negative voltage, the greater signal - the more negative voltage at this point. There should be -10V or more (nagative) for strong station. If this happen you shold all resistors and capacitors between EM11 grid and EBF11 diode (resistors 89, 87, 86, capacitor 93) for shorts and continuity.
In aces where there is no negative voltage on diode it means that HF signal incoming to diode is small. It can be caused by broken 76 capacitor, misaligned circuits (not only IF, also input filter and oscillator should be correctly adjusted, it is not easy for newbies) weak tubes (EBF11 and ECH11).
IF signal level for loud receiving could be relatvely small, not strong enough to drive the eye tube.
[1] Part numbers according to schematic uploaded on
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telefunken: Info request about Telefunken 770 wkk device
- foto aparat 15.03.2021 (124 KB)
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telefunken: Info request about Telefunken 770 wkk device
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telefunken: Info request about Telefunken 770 wkk device
The turns are in the wrong direction on the spindle with the knob?
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