Konrad Birkner has passed away

ID: 354673
Konrad Birkner has passed away 
12.Aug.14 12:08

John Kusching (USA)
Articles: 31
Count of Thanks: 5
John Kusching

I am sad to inform you that our friend Konrad Birkner passed away yesterday. He was 79 years old.  I am in Switzerland this week visiting with Ernst Erb and together we heard the sad new this morning. Konrad (or KoBi, which is how he liked to refer to himself at the end of his e-mails) was a very significant contributor to Radio Museum. He was very knowledgeable in the antique radio field, and I consulted with him often over the years I have known him. It is unfortunate that I never had the chance to meet him in person. He had medical problems for many years and could not travel. Although most of our discussions centered around Radio Museum, I will also remember the discussions about Grandchildren, his Great Grandchildren (or Grand Grandchildren as he liked to call them) or what flowers were blooming in his yard.  I still have e-mails where he sent me pictures of some of those flowers. KoBi my friend, you will be missed.

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Very sad 
12.Aug.14 13:08
31 from 4582

Michael Watterson (IRL)
Articles: 1069
Count of Thanks: 3

I'm sorry to hear it. Konrad was a real gentleman, very courteous, helpful as well as knowledgeable.

He did a huge amount both publicly and "behind the scenes" for the Radio museum. The cabinet work and accuracy of his replica sets was great too.


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Very sad news 
12.Aug.14 13:21
39 from 4582

Mike Edwards † 25.10.21 (GB)
Articles: 56
Count of Thanks: 5

I was very sad to hear this news this morning. I always found Kobi really polite, helpfull and pleasant. A very sad loss.

Mike Edwards

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12.Aug.14 13:48
58 from 4582

Mark Hippenstiel (D)
Articles: 1250
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Mark Hippenstiel

I was devastated to hear the news this morning. Konrad to me was not only a friend, but also a mentor, and we had many inspiring conversations about a lot of things, not only related to our radio hobby. There is little else to say other than indeed, he will be truly and dearly missed.


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Very Sad Day - Indeed 
12.Aug.14 15:55
105 from 4582

Robert Sarbell † 22.3.22 (USA)
Articles: 363
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Robert Sarbell † 22.3.22

Such a sad day to know that a great friend and mentor also to me to hear the untimely passing of Kobi. . . . . . .he gave inordinately immense help during some difficult restorations. And we enjoyed the passing of Christmas Greetings and discussions via email. He and Herr Hans M Knoll were always very responsive to offer their technical expertise.

He will be missed greatly.

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A tremendous loss 
12.Aug.14 17:34
147 from 4582

Todd Stackhouse (USA)
Articles: 151
Count of Thanks: 4

...I think it is pretty safe to say that there is hardly any member of Radiomuseum who isn't familiar with 'KoBi' in some way.  He was a major, highly professional contributor and his passing leaves a void that is going to be very hard to fill.

...Friede Ihrer Äsche, KoBi!


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Sad day 
12.Aug.14 20:12
210 from 4582

Meyer Rochwerger (BR)
Articles: 126
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Meyer Rochwerger

A great loss to our community !!
Unfortunately this is part of life

Rest in peace...


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A very big loss for us all 
12.Aug.14 20:20
217 from 4582

Ernst Erb (CH)
Articles: 5745
Count of Thanks: 6
Ernst Erb

Yesterday Konrad and I had a nice talk on Skype as often was the case. We both knew that his life was hanging on a thin hair since long. But this was for me very unsuspected and we all have lost a dear friend whom I adored quite a bit.

You find my words for that in German. This is a big loss for his wife and family - and a big loss for us all at Radiomuseum.org. He was somebody I could trust always in technical questions abut also in personal questions - a real helper all the time too. My English is not sufficient to express myself well, and I just come from an other funeral - and received the card for the death of my sister Teddy.

Here is Konrad - taken by Bernhard Nagel, May 22, 2011, when we were together:

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A great soul left us forever  
13.Aug.14 15:16
340 from 4582

Ion Carabas (RO)
Articles: 39
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Ion Carabas

I found out with sadness that the person loved by all of us left forever this radio lovers family .

Let’s try  in silence to send a prayer for his good soul.

Rest in peace ... 

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Remembering Konrad 
14.Aug.14 06:27
433 from 4582

Joe Sousa (USA)
Articles: 673
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Joe Sousa

What a sad surprise to hear of Konrad's passing! My warmest condolences go to the family and to his many friends, many of whom are right here at RM.

There were enjoyable and productive email exchanges, often with an incisive technical contribution from Konrad. There was always the feeling that he was working diligently on the RadioMuseum project. Konrad was a German with a strong interest in American radios and culture. I am a Portuguese-American  with a strong interest in German radios and culture. We saw our interests reflected in each other and enjoyed this technical and cultural connection.

I will certainly miss Konrad, but will enjoy his RM legacy and his articles will always bring fond memories.

The very beautiful photo of Konrad posted above gives the feeling that he can sense our fondness for him.

With deepest sympathy,


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Very sad news 
14.Aug.14 13:40
482 from 4582

Emilio Ciardiello (I)
Articles: 533
Count of Thanks: 7
Emilio Ciardiello

What a sad news! With his death disappears a very nice person and a piece of the story of radio itself.

Rest in peace, KoBi


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He will be truly missed. 
15.Aug.14 21:06
585 from 4582

Bruce Morgenstern (CDN)
Articles: 12
Count of Thanks: 5


I was really, saddened, to hear about, Konrad. I felt like I got to know him quite well, over a short period of time, on more than just Radio Museum, topics and issues, and will truly miss him.  He was always there, for whatever the subject. Konrad, in my humble opinion, was a significant part of the glue that held the Radio Museum together.  


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15.Aug.14 21:46
596 from 4582

Júlio Branco (P)
Articles: 199
Count of Thanks: 4
Júlio Branco


I was saddened by this sad news, the passing away of "Kobi" as he liked him called him, was a person, I say before, one gentleman, that helped me a lot in the problems that got you here, always ready to help me. May he rest in peace, my condolences to his entire family.

Júlio Branco


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16.Aug.14 22:50
671 from 4582

Roy Johnson (GB)
Articles: 284
Count of Thanks: 4

We have all lost a truly amazing colleague and friend.   Although knowing that his health was far from robust it has nevertheless come as a terrible shock learning only today of his passing.

From my first days at RMorg, KoBi helped me a great deal to understand the ways of working and readily supported new entries for sets and data.  His pragmatic approach stemmed from a lifelong practical engineering experience enthusiastically applied to hobby and museum.

As with many others he shared his personal side – relating his experiences when working for long periods in England and also his home life and how he overcame life’s difficulties.

I shall sorely miss you!      R.I.P dear KoBi.


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A great loss 
17.Aug.14 03:25
696 from 4582

Fin Stewart (AUS)
Articles: 33
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Fin Stewart

In my two years of working with the Museum, I have on occasuion had to ask KoBi a question. He was always prompt and helpful with his replies. He is a great loss to us and will be sadly missed.

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17.Aug.14 12:44
730 from 4582

Gabriel Toth (CZ)
Articles: 127
Count of Thanks: 6
Gabriel Toth

We will miss you, this is a great loss!



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I am sad 
21.Aug.14 03:48
831 from 4582

José Bustos (RCH)
Articles: 41
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José Bustos

All my gratitude to Mr. Konrad Birkner and my respectfully condolences to his family.

I am really so sorry.

José Bustos

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My teacher and my friend, KoBi 
21.Aug.14 14:36
875 from 4582

Daniel Rosha (IR)
Count of Thanks: 8

 I had not referred to forum pages during last ten days and  worked directly on model pages. Yesterday evening, after coming back home, I wanted to take a look at our website. At first, I thought there was a technical problem. After loading full page, by seeing Konrad's photo, suddenly felt deep sadness, my good friend who tried to teach me best things for RM.org, used to ask about my family and my sons , has passed away. I have been a member since 2012 but I wrote letters since last recent months. While creating a new model, he tried to advise me choose the best photos and real perfect data, not based on guess. He wrote:

- RMorg is an encyclopedia. Pics shall offer a good idea how the thing looks. Even if not in perfect shape... . My criticism is like from a teacher pointing at the problem areas... I am trying to be effectivly (to do the correct things) as well as efficient ( to do things correct). Time is limited, ... I had to reduce [My work with RMorg] by half. bein 79, health problems, a nice family (3 daughters, 7 grandchildren, 2 great-grand children) and a hobby and friends..... the day does not offer the necessary 40 hours... .

I waited until 2 o'clock in the morning to re-open our website, without doing any radio work. It is hard to accept passing away of a good friend, I am at a loss for words. I wrote these words in sympathy and to share my feeling about one of Radio Family good and generous members. Thank you Bernhard for this good portrait photo of smiling KoBi.

God bless him and grant him salvation.


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Our Expert in Zenith Transoceanic Radios, has Passed On..RIP 
26.Aug.14 05:38
1011 from 4582

Omer Suleimanagich (USA)
Articles: 431
Count of Thanks: 3
Omer Suleimanagich

I can not even imagine, how many lives, Konrad Birkner, has touched, through his involvment in RMORG!                                                                                                                                                        I have been an inactive member, in RMORG, because of  personal issues, for the last six years, however, I do find the time to read forum threads............. his presence, will be missed, but still will be felt, through his great contribution to RMORG, especially his patience, in helping many individuals, start from zero knowledge in radio, to active contributing members, to RMORG!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               For myself, who resides in North America, I can say , without reservation, Konrad Birkners ceaseless demand and expectation, in quality presentation of, pictures, discussion, and knowledge, will forever be ingrained on this site!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 I will truely miss him!  RIP

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One year after Konrad left us 
12.Aug.15 07:44
1907 from 4582

Ernst Erb (CH)
Articles: 5745
Count of Thanks: 4
Ernst Erb

This is reminiscent to our loss of a very active member that we will not forget!

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In Memory of KoBi “Konrad Birkner” 
13.Aug.15 18:56
1989 from 4582

Ernst Erb (CH)
Articles: 5745
Count of Thanks: 5
Ernst Erb

Bruce Morgenstern, an active member from Canada asked me if I can post his text to the otherwise closed thread. Yes, gladly - here it is:

Time passes very quickly. It seems like just yesterday that, Kobi, passed away. KoBi, had enormous passion for vintage radios, test equipment, all their related parts, plus numerous other related items and subjects. He shared his knowledge and expertise, very willingly and generously, with others. This knowledge and expertise is very obvious throughout the Radiomuseum. When one uses this site, whatever the reason may be, KoBi’s name, “Konrad Birkner”, stands out, far and wide. His contributions were priceless.  

Bruce Morgenstern

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