
Majestic is a name of multiple use. There is terrible confusion in literature about three separate companies.
To avoid doublets and achieve unambiguous allocation of radio models the relations of Majestic vs. Grigsby-Grunow and Grunow/General Household Utilities are listed in the following.
1) Company Grigsby-Grunow went bankrupt in 1932 and its models ended with the 1933 season. Models were often named Majestic.
It was followed by two successing companies:
2) Company Majestic Radio & Television started in 1933
3) Company General Household Utilities started also in 1933,
featuring the model name Grunow.
Please be extremely careful to distinguish the 3 different manufacturers, in particular for 1933 models.
Rider's is listing in the index "Grigsby-Grunow" models, but to find are they under "Majestic" in the files (although the sheets themselves are headed Grigsby-Grunow...).
Similar confusion is found in Bunis/Slusser, while Machine Age to jet Age puts together No.1 and 2, separating No.3.
Beitman calls both No.1 and 2 Majestic, but separating "old" and "new".
Grinder does separate, but lists models from the late 1930's also under Grigsby-Grunow (No.1).
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