messge-zwo: BG20/4 (BG 20/4); Smaragd

ID: 65813
messge-zwo: BG20/4 (BG 20/4); Smaragd 
09.Sep.05 22:00

Lennart Schander (S)
Count of Thanks: 13

Question about RFT Smaragd BG 20-4 recorder   1

I have a problem with the record/play head shield plate in the front of the head. It does not open when recorder is not in play-mode. It seems as a missing spring of some kind...?
Can anybody give me a tip how it should works?
See picture down here!
/Lennart Schander

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Messingfeder + Filz fehlen 
10.Oct.05 15:12

Wolfgang Eckardt (D)
Articles: 1921
Count of Thanks: 8
Wolfgang Eckardt

Hallo Mr. Schander,

an der Platte vor dem Tonkopf fehlt ein Federblech aus Messing mit Filz. (siehe Bilder)

Viel Erfolg bei der Reparatur

Wolfgang Eckardt

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