Need help to identify a Siemens Chassis

ID: 432737
? Need help to identify a Siemens Chassis 
26.Nov.17 11:29

Giuseppe Feniello (I)
Articles: 87
Count of Thanks: 6

Hello to all radiofriends,

I found this Siemens chassis without any number on it, please someone knows the model number??

The tubes are: EL84, EABC80, two EF80, ECH81, and a miniature tube in the FM front-end ( it is broken so do not know the type but I think a EC92 ).

many thanks in advace for helping me.

best regads. G.


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Need help to identify a Siemens Chassis 
26.Nov.17 12:19
7 from 1274

Giovanni Cucuzzella (D)
Articles: 530
Count of Thanks: 9

Hello Mr. Feniello,

your list of tubes probably lacks an EM80. The following models are possible:

Meistersuper 843W
Phonosuper K43

Schatulle H42
Super G41
Superhet G41 USA

These models have the same or at least a very similar chassis.

best regards

Giovanni Cucuzzella

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Need help to identify a Siemens Chassis 
26.Nov.17 13:06
19 from 1274

Giuseppe Feniello (I)
Articles: 87
Count of Thanks: 6

Hello Mr Cucuzzella, sorry, you are right there is a EM80 too...thank you very much for your kind help !

best wishes from Italy...


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