philco:  ; 828K (828 K)

ID: 238273
This article refers to the model: 828K (Philco, Philadelphia Stg. Batt. Co.; USA)

? philco:  ; 828K (828 K) 
28.Nov.10 16:39

Merlin Fisher (USA)
Articles: 18
Count of Thanks: 7

 Working on this unit and don't know if it is pos or neg ground.Has a new solid state vibator neg ground in it but the old Vibrator has no pos or neg on it . this radio came out of a 1937 packard car which has a pos ground sys when new. old vibrator is C-1  6volt  115 C.P.S with a A1 base. Any help would be thank full. Merl

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Philco 828 - both polarities are OK 
30.Nov.10 08:38
49 from 3111

Thomas Albrecht (USA)
Articles: 378
Count of Thanks: 9
Thomas Albrecht

Hi Merl,

On early Philco car radios with their original vibrator in place, the polarity of the power supply connection does not matter.  The 6 VDC power from the car directly powers only the dial lamp, the tube filaments, and the vibrator.  None of these is polarity sensitive.

A vacuum tube rectifier is used for the B voltage instead of a synchronous vibrator.  When a vacuum tube rectifier is used, the polarity of the supply driving the vibrator has no effect on the B voltage polarity (unlike the case of a synchronous vibrator).

Your new solid state vibrator has a negative ground, which will require that the radio operate with negative ground when this vibrator is installed.

Best regards,


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Pictures for the model? 
30.Nov.10 12:29
67 from 3111

Ernst Erb (CH)
Articles: 5740
Count of Thanks: 6
Ernst Erb

Dear Merlin
Can you please photograph the chassis with the cabling - if possible BEFORE you do some changes - and load up to the model? Perhaps also some other details and the unit complete?

This is our main purpose to build up a real reference work. Your notes to the repair would be apprechiated here - later. Thanks.

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? Model 828K Uploads 
29.Dec.10 20:16
178 from 3111

Merlin Fisher (USA)
Articles: 18
Count of Thanks: 7

 Have the  Schematic and pic of the radio along with control unit and parts but can't seam to up load to the radio form or my Profile page.I also have pic for Zenith C845 , Philco 40-195 , D2910 Truetone that I just finished.Any help you can give. I read the forum pages but still not able to get the file sizes small enough to go though.  Merl

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Uploading to models 
29.Dec.10 21:03
194 from 3111

Ernst Erb (CH)
Articles: 5740
Count of Thanks: 5
Ernst Erb

Dear Merlin
Thank you very much for coming back with this.
I explain here a bit and will delete this and the two other posts which actually are off topic later when all is done.

When you click FAQ on the search page, you will find under "Radio Models" an article titled "HOWTO upload your pictures to a radio model page".
Please click also the blue text in this article, starting with "Here" as the link.
This should actually do for the pictures. In case it does not, please use here the link "Mail to the author" and send me the intended picture (one of them) and I will tell you what could be improved.

Only after getting results with pictures please read - also in the FAQ - the link "Schematics perfect with Irfanview". This task is more difficult and should not end with a JPG but a .PNG. This PNG the server wraps with a PDF for easy handling.

I hope for a success for you - and at the same time wish you a good start into 2011.
Ernest, Switzerland



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828K radio 
03.Jan.11 16:33
332 from 3111

Merlin Fisher (USA)
Articles: 18
Count of Thanks: 8

 Ernst this is Merl fisher some time ago I asked about a radio 828K and you wanted some pic before work started. I have up loaded to my collection this set of pic . I slso sent jpg pic of the Schematics for this unit because I dont know how to send them to the radio page. If they are good enough please do so for me.   Thanks Merl

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Pictures where to and size 
03.Jan.11 18:55
348 from 3111

Ernst Erb (CH)
Articles: 5740
Count of Thanks: 8
Ernst Erb

Dear Merl
Thank you for coming back to this. Together we will manage ;-)

I see here that you have uploaded two pictures which have been accepted:
You loaded them up correctly to model Philco 40-195XX where you show the chassis in two ways.
Just click the link.

You now tried to upload also the full set, a nice console. It shows nearly a full room. This is still pending but I advise to take it a bit more from the front (but not frontal as we have it - frontal is seldom good).

You then cut it near the body of the radio - and if possible, please size your pictures with 933 pixels.

I see now that you have uploaded your pictures to the profile instead to the model as you had done before. Therefore most probably the picture admin has to delete. Sorry for that. I still can see that it was for Philco 828, Fada 172. Please just upload them to the model and if it is pictures from your own collection (radio button selected), it will also show on your collector page here.

You will see that you can chose which one of the (now only two) pictures you want to show the public. It is always best to show the near frontal picture with the body of the set. After your upload to the model and acceptance, you will be able to sort them within the same model.

What you addressed for your pictures is the part where a member can show his entire collection, for instance shelves, vitrines - or can show his/her family or anything decent. I advise you to bring a nice text about you and your hobby for the collector page which now shows only "Antique Radios Repair Old Car radios". You do that in your profile. I hope you don't mind that I explain this here in the forum - for the benefit of all ...

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? 828K radio 
07.Jan.11 16:33
403 from 3111

Merlin Fisher (USA)
Articles: 18
Count of Thanks: 5

 Ernst this is Merl again. Question do I send the pic to the radio page?  thanks

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07.Jan.11 16:53
409 from 3111

Ernst Erb (CH)
Articles: 5740
Count of Thanks: 7
Ernst Erb

Yes, Merl, please click the link "HOWTO" on post 5 and you have a nice instruction.
If you load up your own pictures, you check the button "Picture from my own collection" - and by that the server will show it also at your collector page - or it opens that the first time. There you can even change which of YOUR pictures for a given model you want to show. Default is your first picture for that given model.

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