philco: Ch= 10AT10; Safari H2010L: Repair report

ID: 190199
philco: Ch= 10AT10; Safari H2010L: Repair report 
20.May.09 09:11

Thomas Albrecht (USA)
Articles: 384
Count of Thanks: 14
Thomas Albrecht

Report on electrical restoration of two different Philco H2010 Safari portable TV sets:

The first unit had excessive brightness, which was traced to an open CRT cathode bias resistor (R45 on SAMS schematic, 2.2 megohms which pulls the cathode positive in normal operation).

The second unit had only sound; the horizontal sweep was dead.  Since this TV (like many modern TVs) uses the horizontal sweep to generate B+ voltage for many of its circuits, loss of horizontal sweep renders many functions dead.  The problem was traced to an open winding on the horizontal oscillator transformer (L19 on SAMS schematic).  This transformer is located right next to the tuner assembly, and either mechanical shock or stresses during removal of a PC board during service can put a lot of mechanical stress on the transformer, bending or breaking its mounting assembly.  I was able to repair this transformer by finding the broken wires and resoldering under a microscope.

On both sets, all of the original semiconductors and tubes remain functional.  All of the many original electrolytic capacitors are also still good (conversations with others who have restored this set confirm that this is a common experience for this specific model).

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philco: Ch= 10AT10; Safari H2010L: Repair report 
06.Nov.19 18:18
1846 from 2775

James Massey (USA)
Articles: 2
Count of Thanks: 11

Hi Thomas,

I am restoring a Safari H2010L and it is going pretty well however, I'm only getting 4KV of high voltage to the picture tube.  I've recapped the set and it works fairly well but I get substantial blooming when I adjust brightness.  I suspect weak 5642 rectifiers but before I jump into that mess, can you offer any suggestions on how to best troubleshoot this problem?


Thanks, Scott

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