philips: Philips 03RB563 FM alignment
? philips: Philips 03RB563 FM alignment

Hello Everyone!
I had receive from a friend mine an radio Philips of her mother, it is an hybrid radio Mod. W566 A/35 or 03RB563/00/70 in RMORG, I moment work in that slowly , it no work FM but have some MW with poor audio,
But is not my subject, but yes, the pag3 of manual (in RMORG) “Abgleichanleitung”. I had try translate all data to Portuguese with some external help.
The terms “M22- Masse or Mxx-Masse” how to do this correct in “Ankopplung “ I no understand how I do this coupling / injecting correctly ( level andor capacitor ) The term "Mxx-Masse" also repeated in the column “Anzeige”.
I think I have the all accuracy equipment to make that mission, but to apply that correctly is my challenge
I look forward to whoever can provide this information in particular, perhaps from Germany
Best Regards
Danke / Um muito bem hajam
Hernâni Capela
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philips: Philips 03RB563 FM alignment

Hello Hernani
I think this is a technical translation problem that only a radio sets expert / german speaker can attend.
A German technical dictionary could help much here.
I suggest that you try to contact Joe Sousa, who has those skills.
Boa sorte
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