philips: B3X80U;
? philips: B3X80U;

Dear Friends
I have in my collection a Philips B3X80U and I would like to know if someone have any information-specifications for the two light bulbs that are used to light up the face of the radio. I tried many of this screw type bulbs but no one is working. Any advice?
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Philips: B3X80U

Hallo Mr. Kougioumtzoglou,
The tubes and the resistors R3 and R4 are connected in series.
We now neglect the 2 NTC-resistors.
The tubes use 140 volts.
The voltage drop across the resistors R3 and R4 is 67 Volt.
Total 207 Volt.
The heating current is 0.1 amps.
When I count the heating circuit for the lights is about 13 volts rest to 220 volt operating voltage.
Take 2 × 7V/ 0.1A or 6,3V/0,1A lamps.
Best Regards WB.
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? Philips B3X80U

Thank you very much my friend I will buy the bulbs tomorrow and I will let you know the result
Best regrads
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Philips B3X80U

Good morning
Thaks very much for your help. I got the bulbs 6.3V, 0.1A as you adviced and now works fine.
Thank you again.
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