Police Radio 1929
ID: 133082
Police Radio 1929
08.Feb.07 15:50

An interesting article in Radio News for July 1929, written by Arthur Stringer, begins with the statement
" Police radio has passed its experimental state and has become an integral part of modern police equipment" (William Russell, Commissioner of Police, Chicago.).
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08.Feb.07 19:51
Remembers me to the b/w series "Chicago 1930" (original: The untouchables) with Robert Stack as Eliot Ness as seen on TV.
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Police radio frequencies
09.Feb.07 09:31

The a.m. frequency in the SW band 71 m (ca 4.2 MHz) was not the only one in use. The most popular bands were around 1.6 MHz and 2.4 MHz. These frequencies can be found on radio scales and dials all over the 1930's and even later. The entire band between BC and real SW therefore got the name Police Band.
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Nationwide US Police Band Station Frequencies 1933
21.Apr.15 19:41
3847 von 16508
Source: Magazine Philco Radio Log 1933
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