Radio identifcation assistance

ID: 674854
? Radio identifcation assistance 
21.Nov.24 17:57

Bob Kossow (USA)
Count of Thanks: 4

Can someone please help me identify this chairside radio. The chassis is unmarked but has an RCA license label and the dial is similar to other 1937 RCA models.

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Radio identifcation assistance 
21.Nov.24 21:22
22 from 563

Torbjörn Forsman (S)
Articles: 180
Count of Thanks: 3

Can the fine print numbers in the lower right corner of the dial give a clue? I dont know of RCA's practice, but several european manufacturers marked their dials with either the model number of the radio or with the spare part number of the dial.

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Radio identifcation assistance 
02.Dec.24 16:55
230 from 563

Tim Vogan (USA)
Count of Thanks: 3

i searched your first photo with google lens and found that this is an Emerson BR226 Floor radio. looks like it is in good shape. 


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